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The Communication dashboard tab

When you use ezyVet to make and send a client message, ezyVet keeps a related communication record. To easily find, show, and make changes to communication records, use the Communication dashboard tab.

Figure 1. The Communication dashboard tab
The Communication tab
The Communication dashboard tab can show communication records of many different types of messages. For example, it can show communication records of:
  • Email messages
  • SMS messages
  • Client callbacks
  • Fax messages
To show different message types, use the buttons of the Communication Methods section:
Buttons of the Communication Methods section
Note: The primary function of the Communication dashboard tab is for client messages. For staff messages, use ezyVet's memos feature.

Communication record filters

The Communication dashboard tab has many filters that you can use to show different information about communication records. For example, use the filters to show:
  • Communication records of a date range
  • Communication records that a specified staff member made
  • Communication records of a department
  • The client and patient that ezyVet sent messages message to
  • Communication records that a configured communication task made
  • Communication records of a selected status (for example, the Failed status)
Figure 2. Communication record filters

Communication record filters
Note: If the Communication dashboard tab shows a red color, ezyVet has communication records that have the Pending status.
Figure 3. The Communication dashboard tab with a red color
The Communication dashboard tab with a red color

Search results of communication records

The Communication section of the Communication dashboard tab shows the search results of communication record filters. Each entry of the search results shows information that includes:
  • The date and time that ezyVet made the communication record
  • Who sent and received the message
  • The applicable patient record and a link to it
  • The communication record status
  • Statuses that are applicable to a message type (for example, an SMS message status)
Figure 4. Communication record entries of search results

Communication record entries of search results

If you double-click a communication record entry, ezyVet shows a dialog box that has full information about the related message.

A communication record entry could show a View Communication link:
A View Communication link
If you select View Communication, ezyVet shows a dialog box that has the message content:
A dialog box that has message content
If you hover over a communication record entry, ezyVet shows a pop-up window with information that includes:
  • The message content
  • Who sent the message
  • The phone number or email address of the message
  • The communication record status
  • Statuses that are applicable to a message type (for example, an SMS message status)
The pop-up window helps you to quickly and easily read important information about a message because it is not necessary to open its communication record.
Figure 5. An example pop-up window

An example pop-up window
Note: A practice manager configures ezyVet to show pop-up windows. If ezyVet does not show a pop-up window when you hover over a communication record, speak to your practice manager.