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Sign in to Vet Radar for the first time

Before you can use Vet Radar, you must sign in.

  • Make sure that your site has a configured Vet Radar integration
  • Make sure that Vet Radar is installed on your device
  • Make sure that a practice manager configured your Vet Radar user account for sign-in
To sign in to Vet Radar for the first time, do this procedure.
  1. Select the Vet Radar app.
    Vet Radar shows the Sign in to your account screen.
  2. In the Email * box, enter your email address.
  3. In the Password * box, enter your password.
    Note: Your password must have a minimum of ten characters.
  4. Select Sign In.
    Vet Radar shows the Set up PIN screen:
  5. Enter five numbers.
  6. Select Confirm PIN.
    The Confirm PIN button
    Vet Radar shows the Organization pane.
  7. Select your organization.
    An organization
You are signed in to Vet Radar. Vet Radar shows the Patient whiteboard screen.