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Hide the pop-up windows shown when persons hover over areas of ezyVet

ezyVet usually shows a pop-up window when a person hovers over an applicable area of an ezyVet record. For example, if a person hovers over a calendar appointment, ezyVet shows a pop-up window that has more information about the appointment: If necessary, a practice manager can configure ezyVet to hide the pop-up windows.

To hide the pop-up windows, do this procedure.
Figure 1. An example pop-up window

An example pop-up window
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Settings.
    The Settings setting in the settings list
  3. Select System.
    The System setting
    ezyVet shows a System Settings screen.
  4. Select Advanced.
    The Advanced tab
  5. Go to the Misc section.
    The Misc section
  6. Clear the Use Mouse Over Tooltips(Requires Refresh) checkbox.
    The Use Mouse Over Tooltips(Requires Refresh) setting
  7. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

  8. Refresh your web browser.
ezyVet does not show the pop-up windows.