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About inventory transfers

An inventory transfer is a procedure that records the quantity of products that you move from one inventory location to a different inventory location. To quickly and easily add products to an inventory transfer, you can use ezyVet Scan.

To use ezyVet Scan to add a product to an inventory transfer, you can:
  • Scan the product barcode
  • Do a search for the name of the product
  • Do a search for the product code
When you use ezyVet Scan complete an inventory transfer, ezyVet Scan automatically syncs it to ezyVet. Then ezyVet makes an inventory transfer record. To show the inventory transfer record in ezyVet:
  1. Select the Financial primary tab
  2. Select Inventory Transfer
  3. Select U/A
The inventory transfer record in ezyVet shows a line item for each product of the inventory transfer:
A line item

Before ezyVet can use an inventory transfer to change the quantity of products at the applicable inventory locations, you must approve the inventory transfer in ezyVet. After you approve the inventory transfer, ezyVet changes the quantity of products at the locations.