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General steps to use standard of care and care service reminders

It is important to know the general steps to use the standard-of-care system. The steps include how to make care services and configuration of care service reminders.

This table gives each step, information about it, and applicable documentation:

1Staff make sure that they know:
  • Where and how ezyVet shows standard-of-care information
  • The function of standard-of-care icons and buttons
How ezyVet shows standard-of-care information

Standard-of-care table: Columns, icons, and text formatting

2A practice manager:
  • Makes sure that they know about the condition settings for care services
  • Makes a care service
Condition settings of a care service

Make a vaccination service

Make a treatment service

3The practice manager:
  • Makes sure that they know general information about ezyVet communication tasks and communication task settings
  • Makes sure that they know how and when ezyVet automatically makes and sends messages as a result of a communication task
  • Makes sure that they know the function of communication task settings that are applicable to care service reminders
Automatically send messages to clients

Configure the time range that ezyVet uses to send messages

Communication task settings for care services

4The practice manager makes sure that the template that they want to use for care service reminders has applicable content and template variables.Template variables for care services

Templates for care service reminders

5The practice manager makes a communication task for care service reminders.Make a communication task for a vaccination service reminder
Note: The documentation given is a basic example that uses a vaccination service.
6Staff monitor care service information.Find patients that have due or overdue standard-of-care items

Do a client report of standard-of-care information

Know if a product has a relation to a care service (product settings method)

7If necessary, staff:
  • Can manually change due dates of care services
  • Can remove care services from patient records
Manually change the due date of a care service

Remove a care service from a patient record