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Template variables for care services

The standard-of-care system has a dedicated set of template variables. Use them to show care service information in documents and emails.

This table gives each template variable and its function:

Variable nameFunction
{ReminderDue}Shows the due date of the care service reminder.
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextDay}Shows the care service reminders that are due in the next day.
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextWeek}Shows the care service reminders that are due in the next week.
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextMonth}Shows the care service reminders that are due in the next month.
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextYear}Shows the care service reminders that are due in the next year.
{AnimalSOCSummary}Shows the summary of the standard of care information of the patient.
{AnimalSOCInFuture}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the future.
{AnimalSOCDueInNextDay}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next day.
{AnimalSOCDueInNextWeek}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next week.
{AnimalSOCDueInNextMonth}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next month.
{AnimalSOCDueInNextYear}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next year.
{AnimalSOCDueInFuture}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the future.
{AnimalSOCDueTable}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next 30 days.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format.
{AnimalSOCOverdue}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue.
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastDay}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue in the day before today.
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastWeek}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue in the week before this week.
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastMonth}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue in the month before this month.
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastYear}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue in the year before this year.
{AnimalSOCOverDueTable}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format.
{EventDateTimeListHtml}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format and includes the date and time.
{EventDateListHtml}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format and includes the date only.
{EventDateTimeListPlainText}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due.
Note: This variable shows the information in plain text format and includes the date only.
{EventDateListPlainText}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due.
Note: This variable shows the information in plain text format and includes the date only.
{AnimalLastVaccinationName}Shows the product name of the patient's most recent vaccination.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsList}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListDetails}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient. The information includes the name of the veterinarian who gave each vaccination and their registration number.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListMonth}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient this month.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListMonthDetails}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient this month. The information includes the name of the veterinarian who gave each vaccination and their registration number.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListWeek}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient this week.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListWeekDetails}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient this week. The information includes the name of the veterinarian who gave each vaccination and their registration number.
{AnimalLastVaccinationDate}Shows the date of the most recent vaccination of the patient.
{AnimalNextVaccinationDate}Shows the date of the next vaccination of the patient.
{AnimalNextVaccinationName}Shows the product name of the next vaccination of the patient.
{AnimalNextVaccinationsList}Shows a list of vaccinations that are due. The list includes:
  • The vaccination name
  • The date and time of each due vaccination
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextDay}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the next day.
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextWeek}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the next week.
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextMonth}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the next month.
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextYear}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the next year.
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInFuture}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the future.
{AnimalVaccinationsOverdue}Shows the vaccinations that are overdue.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextDay}Shows the treatments that are due in the next day.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextWeek}Shows the treatments that are due in the next week.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextMonth}Shows the treatments that are due in the next month.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextYear}Shows the treatments that are due in the next year.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInFuture}Shows the treatments that are due in the future.
{AnimalTreatmentsOverdue}Shows the treatments that are overdue.

Dedicated template variables for one care service

To get the name of the care service to use with the template variables that follow:
  1. Go to the configuration settings of the applicable care service
  2. Read the name that the Name box shows
  3. Compare the name of (2) with the equivalent name that the Replacement Name box shows
  4. Use the name that the Replacement Name box shows as the name to use with the template variables
For example:
  1. The Name box of a care service's settings shows Canine Influenza
  2. The Replacement Name box shows CanineInfluenza
  3. CanineInfluenza is the care service name to use with the template variables
Figure 1. Example: Name box and Replacement Name box

Example: Name box and Replacement Name box
Variable nameFunction
{AnimalNext<care-service-name><care-service-type>Date}Shows the due date of the next care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalNextRabiesVaccineDate}.

{AnimalNext<care-service-name><care-service-type>Name}Shows the name of the next care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalNextRabiesVaccineName}

{AnimalNext<care-service-name><care-service-type>GroupName}Shows the name of the next care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalNextRabiesVaccineGroupName}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>Date} Shows the date of the most recent care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineDate}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>Name} Shows the name of the most recent care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineName}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>Batch} Shows the batch number of the most recent care service for the patient
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineBatch}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>BatchExpiry} Shows the batch expiry period of the most recent care service for the patient
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineBatchExpiry}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>GroupName}Shows the name of the most recent care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineGroupName}