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Remove a care service from a patient record

If necessary, you can remove a care service from a patient record. For example, if the patient's owner does not want the patient to have a treatment, you can remove the treatment service.

Make sure that your user account has the Standard Of Care > Add/Remove For Patients permission.
To remove the care service, do this procedure.
Note: This procedure uses the standard-of-care information of a patient record as an example. But you can also make changes to the standard-of-care information of a clinical record or client contact record. When you make the changes, ezyVet automatically changes the standard-of-care information of the other related records.
  1. Select Patients.
    The Patients tab
    ezyVet shows the patient records of your site.
  2. In the left sidebar, find and select the applicable patient record.
    ezyVet shows patient record settings and information.
  3. Select S.O.C.
    The S.O.C. tab with a red color
    ezyVet shows the Standard Of Care table of the patient.
  4. In the Standard Of Care table, select the remove button of the care service that you want to remove.
    The remove button
    ezyVet shows the Exclude dialog box.
  5. In the What is the reason? box, enter information about why the removal is necessary.
    The What is the reason? box
  6. Select Exclude.
The patient record does not have the care service. And the Comments section of the S.O.C. tab shows information about the removal: