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About the standard-of-care system

ezyVet's standard-of-care system gives you an easy and accurate view of the vaccinations and treatments that a patient received regularly or will receive regularly.

The standard-of-care system helps clients know which vaccinations and treatments are necessary for a patient and the related due dates.

Examples of vaccinations that you can use the standard-of-care system for:
  • FIV vaccination
  • DHPP vaccination
  • Leptospirosis vaccination
Examples of treatments that you can use the standard-of-care system for:
  • Blood tests
  • Prescription diets
  • Treatment items for health conditions (for example, for arthritis or chemotherapy)

Automatic reminders for care services

A care service is a vaccination or treatment that a patient receives regularly. The standard-of-care system can automatically send care service reminders to clients. As a result, less manual work is necessary to send reminders to clients. And because automatic reminders help clients to know about due care services, patients have a better quality of clinical care.

Note: To automatically send reminders for care services, the standard-of-care system uses communication tasks.
Note: ezyVet refers to care services as SOC events or event groups in some of its screens and windows:
An Event Groups setting