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How ezyVet shows standard-of-care information

The primary method that ezyVet uses to show standard-of-care information is the standard-of-care table.

A standard-of-care table has a set of colors, text formatting, and icons that identify information that includes:
  • Vaccinations or treatments that are due, almost due, or overdue
  • The dates that scheduled vaccinations or treatments were completed
  • How important a vaccination or treatment is
  • Vaccinations or treatments that a patient received
Figure 1. An example standard-of-care table

An example standard-of-care table
Examples of where ezyVet shows a standard-of-care table include:
  • The S.O.C. tab of patient records
  • The S.O.C. tab of clinical records
Figure 2. The S.O.C. tab of a patient record

The S.O.C. tab
Other areas of ezyVet that show standard-of-care information include:
  • The pop-up window that can show when you hover over a calendar appointment
  • The S.O.C. section of an appointment record
  • The patient record sidebar
Figure 3. The S.O.C. section of an appointment record

The S.O.C. section of an appointment record
Figure 4. Standard-of-care information in a patient record sidebar

A patient record sidebar that shows standard-of-care information