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Template variables: Referring veterinary clinic

Use these variables to show data of a referring veterinary clinic.

Note: The referring veterinary clinic has the name Referring Clinic in the ezyVet user interface.
Variable nameFunction
{AnimalReferringVetClinicName}Shows the name of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicAddress}Shows the full address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicBusinessEmail}Shows the business email address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicFaxNumber}Shows the fax number of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressCity}Shows the city of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressState}Shows the state of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressCountry} Shows the country of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.