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Template variables: Invoice

{InvoiceNumber}Shows the number of the invoice.
{InvoiceDate}Shows the date of the invoice.
{InvoiceDueDate}Shows the due date of the invoice.
{InvoiceStatus}Shows the status of the invoice.
{InvoiceFreight}Shows the total dollar value of the freight of the invoice.
{InvoiceSubTotal}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice.
{InvoiceSubtotalExcGst}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice. The value does not include GST.
{InvoiceSubtotalExcTax}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice. The value does not include tax.
{InvoiceSubtotalIncGst}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice. The value includes GST.
{InvoiceSubtotalIncTax}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice. The value includes tax.
{InvoiceTotal}Shows the total dollar value of the invoice.
{InvoiceDue}Shows the total dollar value that is due of the invoice.
{InvoicePaid}Shows the total dollar value paid by a client for the invoice.
{InvoiceGst}Shows the total tax of the invoice.
{InvoiceTypeName}Shows the type of the invoice (for example, if the invoice is a credit note).
{InvoiceComment}Shows the content of the Comments box of the invoice.
{InvoiceComments}Shows all comments of the Comments section of the invoice.
Note: This variable shows all public comments and all private comments.
{InvoiceCommentsPublic}Shows only public comments of the Comments section of the invoice.
{InvoiceCommentsInternal}Shows only private comments of the Comments section of the invoice.
{InvoiceCustomerReference}Shows the reference number of the invoice.
{InvoiceOrderNumber}Shows the purchase order numbers of the invoice.
{InvoiceTaxBreakdown}Shows the dollar quantity of each tax rate of the invoice.
{InvoiceTax}Shows the total dollar quantity of the tax of the invoice..
{InvoiceTotalDiscountPercentage}Shows the total discount quantity of the invoice.
Note: This variable shows the information as a percentage.
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmount}Shows the total discount quantity of the invoice.
Note: This variable shows the information as a dollar value.
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmountIncGST}Shows the total discount quantity of the invoice. The value includes GST.
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmountIncTax}Shows the total discount quantity of the invoice. The value includes tax.
{InvoicePaymentMethod}Shows the payment method of the invoice.
{InvoiceSummary}Shows the summary of the invoice.
{BatchNumber}Shows the batch number of the invoiced product.
{BatchExpiry}Shows the batch expiry date of the invoiced product.
{Invoice<name-of-the-wellness-plan-without-spaces>PotentialSavings}Shows the possible savings for a patient that uses the specified wellness plan.
{Invoice<name-of-the-wellness-plan-without-spaces>PotentialSavingsHTML}Shows the possible savings for a patient that uses the specified wellness plan.
Note: This variables shows a table with each benefit and its possible savings.