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Template variables: Businesses and departments

Use these variables to show business information and department information of an ezyVet site.

Note: These variables are only applicable if your site uses:
  • A department configuration
  • A business unit configuration
Variable nameFunction
{BusinessName}Shows the name of the business.
{BusinessGSTNum}Shows the GST number of the business.
{BusinessCompanyNumber}Shows the Australian business number of the business.
{BusinessAddress}Shows the full address of the business.
{BusinessAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the address of the business.
{BusinessAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the address of the business.
{BusinessAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the business.
{BusinessAddressCity}Shows the city of the business.
{BusinessAddressRegion}Shows the region of the business.
{BusinessAddressState}Shows the state of the business.
{BusinessAddressCountry}Shows the country of the business.
{BusinessPostcode}Shows the postcode of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddress}Shows the full postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressCounty}Shows the country of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessEmail}Shows the email address of the business.
{BusinessPhone}Shows the phone number of the business.
{BusinessFax}Shows the fax number of the business.
{BusinessLogo}Shows the logo of the business.
{EmbeddedBusinessLogo}Shows the logo of the business.
Tip: You can use this variable to show an image in an email template.
{BusinessWebSite}Shows the website address of the business.
{BusinessBankAccount}Shows the bank account number of the business.
Note: This variable shows the value of the Bank Account Number box of ezyVet's system settings.
{DepartmentName}Shows the name of the department.
Note: If your organization uses a single-site configuration, the template variable shows the name of your business. If your organization uses a department configuration or business unit configuration, the variable shows the name of the department that you are signed in to.
{DepartmentCompanyNumber}Shows the Australian business number of the department.
{DepartmentAddress}Shows the full address of the department.
Note: If your organization uses a single-site configuration, the template variable shows the address of the business.
{DepartmentAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the department.
{DepartmentAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the department.
{DepartmentAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the department.
{DepartmentAddressCity}Shows the city of the department.
{DepartmentAddressRegion}Shows the region of the department.
{DepartmentAddressState}Shows the state of the department.
{DepartmentAddressCountry}Shows the country of the department.
{DepartmentPostcode}Shows the postcode of the department.
Note: If your organization uses a single-site configuration, the template variable shows the postcode of the business.
{DepartmentEmail}Shows the email address of the department.
{DepartmentPhone}Shows the phone number of the department.
{DepartmentFax}Shows the fax number of the department.
{DepartmentWebSite}Shows the website address of the department.
{DepartmentBankAccount}Shows the bank account number of the department.
{DepartmentPaymentReference}Shows the payment reference of the department.
{DepartmentTaxNumber}Shows the tax number of the department.
{DepartmentLogo}Shows the logo of the department.
{UserDepartmentPhone}Shows the phone number of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentFax}Shows the fax number of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentEmail}Shows the email address of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentName}Shows the name of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentLogo}Shows the logo of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentAddress}Shows the address of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentGSTNum}Shows the GST number of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentBankAccount}Shows the bank account number of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.