Template variables: Patient health status
Use these variables to show health status information of a patient.
Variable | Function |
{AnimalVitalSigns} | Shows the records in the Health Status tab of the patient. |
{AnimalWGT} | Shows the patient's most recent weight. |
{AnimalTemp} | Shows the patient's most recent temperature. |
{AnimalBP} | Shows the patient's most recent blood pressure. |
{AnimalHR} | Shows the patient's most recent heart rate. |
{AnimalRR} | Shows the patient's most recent respiratory rate. |
{AnimalAttitude} | Shows the patient's most recent attitude status. |
{AnimalBCS} | Shows the patient's most recent body condition score. |
{AnimalPS} | Shows the patient's most recent pain score. |
{AnimalDS} | Shows the patient's most recent dental score. |
{AnimalCRT} | Shows the patient's most recent capillary refill time. |
{AnimalMM} | Shows the patient's most recent mucous membrane. |
{AnimalHealthNote} | Shows the patient's most recent health status note. |
{AnimalLeftOvarySize} | Shows the patient's most recent left ovary size in mm. |
{AnimalLeftOvaryStage} | Shows the patient's most recent left ovary stage. |
{AnimalRightOvarySize} | Shows the patient's most recent right ovary size in mm. |
{AnimalRightOvaryStage} | Shows the patient's most recent right ovary stage. |
{AnimalUterineTone} | Shows the patient's most recent uterine tone. |
{AnimalCervixTone} | Shows the patient's most recent cervix tone. |
{AnimalUterineEdema} | Shows the patient's most recent uterine edema. |
{AnimalUterineFluid} | Shows the patient's most recent uterine fluid. |
{AnimalUterineCyst} | Shows the patient's most recent uterine cyst. |
{AnimalUterineCytology} | Shows the patient's most recent uterine cytology. |
{AnimalCervixCytology} | Shows the patient's most recent cervix cytology. |
{AnimalPregnant} | Shows the patient's most recent pregnancy status. |
{AnimalPulseQuality} | Shows the patient's most recent pulse quality. |
{AnimalRespiratoryEffort} | Shows the patient's most recent respiratory effort. |