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About pilot features

A pilot feature is a new product feature or a new change to a product feature. IDEXX makes pilot features initially available only to specified customers.

Customers who have access to a pilot feature can try it for their organization. Then, the customers can tell IDEXX staff about the results. IDEXX uses the customer information to do testing and to make the feature better. When the pilot feature is fully prepared, IDEXX makes it available for all customers during a standard version release for the applicable product.

If your organization wants to try a new product feature before other customers, a pilot feature is the applicable method to get access.

Note: Only some product features are available as pilot features. Most new features are only available to all customers at the same time during a standard version release of a product.
Note: A pilot feature is usually for testing between customers and IDEXX. Thus, a pilot feature could have missing functions or other problems.
Note: Pilot feature documentation is in a different location compared to documentation for all other products. For access to pilot feature documentation, always refer to Pilot features.