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ezyVet template variables (full list)

Get access to a full list of template variables for the classic template system system.


Variable nameFunction
{AppointmentDate}Shows the date of the appointment.
{AppointmentDayLong}Shows the calendar day of the appointment.
Note: This variable shows the full name of the day. (For example, Monday.)
{AppointmentDayShort}Shows the calendar day of the of the appointment.
Note: This variable shows the abbreviated name of the day. (For example, Mon.)
{AppointmentResources}Shows the the resource name of the appointment.
{AppointmentReason}Shows the text of the Reason for appointment box of the appointment.
Note: To show the text, you must make the applicable document from an appointment record.
{AppointmentStartTime}Shows the start time of the appointment.
{AppointmentEndTime}Shows the end time of the appointment.
{AppointmentType}Shows the type of the appointment.
{AppointmentDepartment}Shows the name of the department of the appointment.
{AppointmentDepartmentPhone}Shows the phone number of the department of the appointment.
{AppointmentDepartmentAddress}Shows the address of the department of the appointment.
{AppointmentDepartmentFax}Shows the fax number of the department of the appointment.
{AppointmentDepartmentEmail}Shows the email address of the department of the appointment.
{AppointmentDepartmentLogo}Shows the logo of the department of the appointment.
{AppointmentJoinLink}Shows the address of a virtual appointment call.
{AppointmentJoinPassword}Shows the password of a virtual appointment call.
{AppointmentConsentFormLink}Shows the link of a remote consent form.
{AnimalLastVisit}Shows the date and time of the most recent appointment.
{AnimalLastVisitDate}Shows the date of the most recent appointment.
{AnimalLastVisitTime}Shows the time of the most recent appointment.
{AnimalNextAppointment}Shows the date and time of the next appointment.
{AnimalNextAppointmentDate}Shows the date of the next appointment.
{AnimalNextAppointmentTime}Shows the time of the next appointment.
{AnimalNextAppointmentDayLong}Shows the calendar day of the next appointment.
Note: This variable shows the full name of the day. (For example, Monday.)
{AnimalNextAppointmentDayShort}Shows the calendar day of the next appointment.
Note: This variable shows the abbreviated name of the day. (For example, Mon.)
{AnimalPreferredDoctor}Shows the patient's preferred doctor.
{AnimalDiagnosticResults}Shows the diagnostic results and result items of a patient.
Note: This variable shows the information in plain text format.
{AnimalDiagnosticResultsHTML}Shows the diagnostic results and result items of a patient.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format.


{BoardingBookingStartDate}Shows the start date of the boarding booking.
{BoardingBookingEndDate}Shows the end date of the boarding booking.
{BoardingBookingDaysBoarding}Shows the number of days of the boarding booking.
{BoardingBookingStatus}Shows the status of the boarding booking.
{BoardingResourceName}Shows the resource of the boarding booking.
{BoardingBookingComments}Shows the comments of a boarding booking.
Note: This variable shows all public comments and all private comments.
{BoardingBookingCommentsPublic}Shows the public comments of a boarding booking.
{BoardingBookingCommentsInternal}Shows the private comments of a boarding booking.

Businesses and departments

Note: These variables are only applicable if your site uses:
  • A department configuration
  • A business unit configuration
Variable nameFunction
{BusinessName}Shows the name of the business.
{BusinessGSTNum}Shows the GST number of the business.
{BusinessCompanyNumber}Shows the Australian business number of the business.
{BusinessAddress}Shows the full address of the business.
{BusinessAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the address of the business.
{BusinessAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the address of the business.
{BusinessAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the business.
{BusinessAddressCity}Shows the city of the business.
{BusinessAddressRegion}Shows the region of the business.
{BusinessAddressState}Shows the state of the business.
{BusinessAddressCountry}Shows the country of the business.
{BusinessPostcode}Shows the postcode of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddress}Shows the full postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessPostalAddressCounty}Shows the country of the postal address of the business.
{BusinessEmail}Shows the email address of the business.
{BusinessPhone}Shows the phone number of the business.
{BusinessFax}Shows the fax number of the business.
{BusinessLogo}Shows the logo of the business.
{EmbeddedBusinessLogo}Shows the logo of the business.
Tip: You can use this variable to show an image in an email template.
{BusinessWebSite}Shows the website address of the business.
{BusinessBankAccount}Shows the bank account number of the business.
Note: This variable shows the value of the Bank Account Number box of ezyVet's system settings.
{DepartmentName}Shows the name of the department.
Note: If your organization uses a single-site configuration, the template variable shows the name of your business. If your organization uses a department configuration or business unit configuration, the variable shows the name of the department that you are signed in to.
{DepartmentCompanyNumber}Shows the Australian business number of the department.
{DepartmentAddress}Shows the full address of the department.
Note: If your organization uses a single-site configuration, the template variable shows the address of the business.
{DepartmentAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the department.
{DepartmentAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the department.
{DepartmentAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the department.
{DepartmentAddressCity}Shows the city of the department.
{DepartmentAddressRegion}Shows the region of the department.
{DepartmentAddressState}Shows the state of the department.
{DepartmentAddressCountry}Shows the country of the department.
{DepartmentPostcode}Shows the postcode of the department.
Note: If your organization uses a single-site configuration, the template variable shows the postcode of the business.
{DepartmentEmail}Shows the email address of the department.
{DepartmentPhone}Shows the phone number of the department.
{DepartmentFax}Shows the fax number of the department.
{DepartmentWebSite}Shows the website address of the department.
{DepartmentBankAccount}Shows the bank account number of the department.
{DepartmentPaymentReference}Shows the payment reference of the department.
{DepartmentTaxNumber}Shows the tax number of the department.
{DepartmentLogo}Shows the logo of the department.
{UserDepartmentPhone}Shows the phone number of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentFax}Shows the fax number of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentEmail}Shows the email address of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentName}Shows the name of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentLogo}Shows the logo of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentAddress}Shows the address of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentGSTNum}Shows the GST number of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.
{UserDepartmentBankAccount}Shows the bank account number of the department of the person who is signed in to ezyVet.

Client contact records

Note: A client contact record is a contact record that has the Customer setting selected:
The Customer setting
Variable nameFunction
{ClientContactCode}Shows the code of the client.
{ClientContactName}Shows the name of the client.
Note: This variable uses the format Title Last name, First name.
Note: If the contact type is set to Business, the variable shows the name of the business. If the contact type is set to Individual, the variable shows the name of the person.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactNameInformal}Shows the name of the client.
Note: This variable shows the first name then the last name.
{ClientContactSecondaryNameInformal}Shows the Secondary Contact name of the contact record.
Note: This variable shows the first name then the last name.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactTitle}Shows the title of the client. The possible values are:
  • Mr
  • Mrs
  • Miss
  • Ms
  • Dr
  • Mx
{ClientContactTitleFormal}Shows the title of the client. The possible values are:
  • Mr.
  • Mrs.
  • Miss.
  • Ms.
  • Dr.
  • Mx.
Note: The values shown by this variable are almost the same as {ClientContactTitle}. But this variable puts a full stop after the end of the title text.
{ClientContactFirst}Shows the first name of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactLast}Shows the last name of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactBalance}Shows the account balance of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactNotes}Shows the notes of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactPhoneNumber}Shows the phone number of the client.
Note: This template variable shows the landline phone number of the client. If the client does not have a landline phone number, the template variable shows the first mobile phone number.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactRemindersLandlines}Shows the landline phone number selected as the preferred method to send reminders to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactAccountsLandlines}Shows the landline phone number selected as the preferred method to send financial records to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactGeneralLandlines}Shows the landline phone number selected as the preferred method to send general information to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactAllLandlines}Shows all landline phone numbers of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactRemindersMobiles}Shows the mobile phone number selected as the preferred method to send reminders to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactAccountsMobiles}Shows the mobile phone number selected as the preferred method to send financial records to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactGeneralMobiles}Shows the mobile phone number selected as the preferred method to send general information to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactAllMobiles}Shows all mobile phone numbers of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactRemindersFaxes}Shows the fax number selected as the preferred method to send reminders to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactAccountsFaxes}Shows the fax number selected as the preferred method to send financial records to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactGeneralFaxes}Shows the fax number selected as the preferred method to send general information to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactAllFaxes}Shows all fax numbers of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactRemindersEmails}Shows the email address selected as the preferred method to send reminders to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactAccountsEmails}Shows the email address selected as the preferred method to send financial records to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactGeneralEmails}Shows the email address selected as the preferred method to send general information to the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactAllEmails}Shows all email addresses of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
  • All email addresses of the client
  • All fax numbers of the client
  • All landline phone numbers of the client
  • All mobile phone numbers of the client
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.
{ClientContactPostalAddress}Shows the full postal address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddress}Shows the full physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressCity}Shows the city of the physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressState}Shows the state of the physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the physical address of the client.
{ClientContactPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the client.
{ClientContactPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the client.
{ClientContactPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the client.
{ClientContactPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the client.
{ClientContactPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the client.
{ClientContactPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the client.
{ClientContactPostalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the postal address of the client.
{ClientContactPostalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the postal address of the client.
{ContactInsuranceCompany}Shows the insurance company of the client.
{ClientContactHearAboutOption}Shows the tags of the Hear About Option (Limit 1) box of the client.
Note: Use this template variable for documents that relate to patients who have a referring veterinarian.

Clinical records

Template variableFunction
{ConsultName}Shows the name of the clinical record.
{ConsultNumber}Shows the number of the clinical record.
{ConsultDate}Shows the date of the clinical record
{ConsultGeneralDescription}Shows the content of the General Description box of a clinical record.
{ConsultVet}Shows the name of the of the case owner of the clinical record.
{ConsultMedicationsListInstructionsOnly}Shows only the medications of the clinical record that have instructions.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • Medication instructions
{ConsultMedicationsListDispensedInstructionsOnly}Shows only the dispensed medications of the clinical record that have instructions.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • Quantity of medication that a person dispensed
{ConsultPresentingProblems}Shows the content of the Presenting Problem box of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVet}Shows the name of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the full name of the referring veterinarian.
{ConsultReferringVetFirstName}Shows the first name of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetLastName}Shows the last name of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetTitle}Shows the preferred title of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record
{ConsultReferringVetClinicName}Shows the name of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddress}Shows the address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhoneNumber}Shows the first phone number of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultListVaccinations}Shows the vaccinations of the clinical record.
{ConsultMedicationsList}Shows the medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • Medication instructions
{ConsultMedicationsListWithDescription}Shows the medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • The contents of the Description box of each medication's configuration
{ConsultMedicationsListSimple}Shows the medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • Medication instructions
{ConsultMedicationsListBasic}Shows the medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Medication name
  • Medication instructions
{ConsultMedicationsListPrescribed}Shows the prescribed medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
{ConsultMedicationsListDispensed}Shows the dispensed medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • Quantity of medication that a person dispensed
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsList}Shows the historical medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • Medication instructions
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListWithDescription}Shows the historical medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • The contents of the Description box of each medication's configuration
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListSimple}Shows the historical medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • Medication instructions
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListBasic}Shows the historical medications of the clinical record
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Medication name
  • Medication instructions
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListPrescribed}Shows the historical prescribed medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListDispensed}Shows the historical dispensed medications of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The table has:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Medication name
  • Medication quantity
  • Dispensed quantity of each medication
{ConsultAttendingVets}Shows the veterinarians that have a relation to the invoices of the clinical record.
Note: The related veterinarians show in the Staff Member column of the invoice.
{ConsultTherapeuticsHtml}Shows the therapeutic names of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format.
{ConsultTherapeuticOutcomes}Shows the content of the Outcome box of therapeutic records of the clinical record
{ConsultTherapeuticNames}Shows the therapeutic names of the clinical record.
{ConsultPlan}Shows the plans of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format. The information includes:
  • The date and time of each plan
  • The content of the Notes box of each plan
{ConsultPlanBasic}Shows the content of the Notes box of each plan of the clinical record.
{ConsultRevisit}Shows the content of the Notes box of each recheck record of the clinical record.
{ConsultAssessment}Shows the assessment records of the clinical record
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format.
{ConsultAssessmentText}Shows the assessment records of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in plain text format.
{ConsultAssessmentBasic}Shows the content of the Notes box of the assessment records of the clinical record.
{ConsultPastPertinentHistory}Shows the pertinent history records of the clinical record.
{ConsultHistoryBasic}Shows the history records of the clinical record
{ConsultHistory}Shows the history records of the clinical record
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format.
{ConsultPhysicalExam}Shows the physical exam records of the clinical record
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format.
{ConsultPhysicalExamBasic}Shows the physical exam notes of the clinical record.
{ConsultInterestedVetClinicContactsList}Shows the interested contacts that have a Contact Type of Business of the clinical record.
{ConsultInterestedVetContactsList}Shows the interested contacts that have a Contact Type of Vet of the clinical record.
{ConsultInterestedContactsList}Shows the interested contacts of the patient record that is related to the clinical record.
{ConsultDiagnosticResults}Shows the full diagnostics results of the clinical record. The information includes diagnostics images.
{ConsultReferringVetAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhysicalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhysicalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhysicalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the physical address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetAddressCity}Shows the city of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhysicalAddressCity}Shows the city of the physical address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddressCity}Shows the city of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressCity}Shows the city of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetAddressRegion}Shows the region of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhysicalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the physical address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddressRegion}Shows the region of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetAddressState}Shows the state of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhysicalAddressState}Shows the state of the physical address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddressState}Shows the state of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressState}Shows the state of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetAddressCountry}Shows the country of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhysicalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the physical address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPostalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the postal address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddressCountry}Shows the country of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPostalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPhysicalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the physical address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetPostalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the postal address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicPostalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetBusinessEmail}Shows the business email address of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicBusinessEmail}Shows the business email address of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetFaxNumber}Shows the fax number of the referring veterinarian of the clinical record.
{ConsultReferringVetClinicFaxNumber}Shows the fax number of the referring veterinary clinic of the clinical record.
{ClinicalSummaryContent}Shows the content of the clinical summary of the clinical record.

Clinical record: Master problems

Template variableFunction
{ConsultMasterProblemsHtml}Shows the master problems of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information as a list of formatted text.
{ConsultMasterProblems}Shows the master problems of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information as a line of plain text.
{ConsultMasterProblemsSpecifics}Shows the content of the Condition Specifics box of the master problems of the clinical record.
{ConsultMasterProblemsSpecificsHtml}Shows the content of the Condition Specifics box of the master problems of the clinical record.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format in a table.
{ImagingReportContent}Shows the content of a diagnostic imaging report in the Imaging tab of a clinical record.
Note: To use {ImagingReportContent}, a practice manager includes it in the content of document templates that they configured to use for diagnostic imaging reports.

Combined invoice

Combined invoice template variables are applicable to the Financial - Combined Invoice Template template:
The Financial - Combined Invoice Template template
{CombinedInvoiceStatement}Shows all of the invoices.
{CombinedInvoiceStartDate}Shows the start date of the date range given in the Print Combined Invoice report.
{CombinedInvoiceEndDate}Shows the end date of the date range given in the Print Combined Invoice report.
{CombinedInvoiceSubtotal}Shows the total dollar value of the subtotals of all the invoices.The value does not include tax.
{CombinedInvoiceIncTax}Shows the total dollar value of the tax types of all of the invoices. The value includes:
  • Tax
  • Freight tax
  • Rounding
{CombinedInvoiceTotal}Shows the total dollar value of the totals of all of the invoices. The value includes:
  • Tax
  • Freight tax
  • Rounding
{CombinedInvoicePaid}Shows the quantity that the client has paid for the total dollar quantity of the invoices.
{CombinedInvoiceDue}Shows the remaining quantity that the client did not pay for the invoices.

Contact records

Variable nameFunction
{ContactCode}Shows the code of the contact record.
{ContactAll}Shows the name of the contact record and its Secondary Contact name.
Note: The template variable shows & between the two names.
Note: If the contact record does not have a Secondary Contact name, the template variable shows the name of the contact record only.
{ContactName}Shows the name of the contact record.
Note: This variable uses the format Title Last name, First name.
{ContactSecondaryName}Shows the name of the Secondary Contact box of the contact record.
Note: This variable shows the first name then the last name.
{ContactNameInformal}Shows the name of the contact record.
Note: This variable shows the first name then the last name.
{ContactSecondaryNameInformal}Shows the Secondary Contact name of the contact record.
{ContactTitle}Shows the title of the person of the contact record. The possible values are:
  • Mr
  • Mrs
  • Miss
  • Ms
  • Dr
  • Mx
{ContactFirst}Shows the first name of the contact record.
{ContactSecondaryFirst}Shows the first name of the Secondary Contact box of the contact record.
{ContactLast}Shows the last name of the contact record.
{ContactSecondaryLast}Shows the last name of the Secondary Contact box of the contact record.
{ContactDOB}Shows the full date of birth of the person of the contact record.
{ContactBusinessName}Shows the name of the business of the contact record.
{ContactBalance}Shows the account balance of the contact record.
{ContactNotes}Shows the notes of the contact record.
{ContactPhoneNumber}Shows the phone number of the contact record.
Note: This template variable shows the landline phone number. If the contact record does not have a landline phone number, the template variable shows the first mobile phone number.
{ContactRemindersLandlines}Shows the landline phone number selected as the preferred method to send reminders.
{ContactAccountsLandlines}Shows the landline phone number selected as the preferred method to send financial records.
{ContactGeneralLandlines}Shows the landline phone number selected as the preferred method to send general information.
{ContactAllLandlines}Shows all landline phone numbers of the contact record.
{ContactRemindersMobiles}Shows the mobile phone number selected as the preferred method to send reminders.
{ContactGeneralMobiles}Shows the mobile phone number selected as the preferred method to send general information.
{ContactAllMobiles}Shows all mobile phone numbers of the contact record.
{ContactRemindersFaxes}Shows the fax number selected as the preferred method to send reminders.
{ContactAccountsFaxes}Shows the fax number selected as the preferred method to send financial records.
{ContactGeneralFaxes}Shows the fax number selected as the preferred method to send general information.
{ContactAllFaxes}Shows all fax numbers of the contact record.
{ContactRemindersEmails}Shows the email address selected as the preferred method to send reminders.
{ContactAccountsEmails}Shows the email address selected as the preferred method to send financial records.
{ContactGeneralEmails}Shows the email address selected as the preferred method to send general information.
{ContactAllEmails}Shows all email addresses of the contact record.
  • All email addresses of the contact record
  • All fax numbers of the contact record
  • All landline phone numbers of the contact record
  • All mobile phone numbers of the contact record
{ContactPostalAddress}Shows the full postal address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddress}Shows the full physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddressCity}Shows the city of the physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddressState}Shows the state of the physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPhysicalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the physical address of the contact record.
{ContactPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the contact record.
{ContactPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the contact record.
{ContactPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the contact record.
{ContactPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the contact record.
{ContactPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the contact record.
{ContactPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the contact record.
{ContactPostalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the postal address of the contact record.
{ContactPostalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the postal address of the contact record.
{ContactInsuranceCompany}Shows the insurance company of the contact record.
{ContactHearAboutOption}Shows the tags of the Hear About Option (Limit 1 box of the contact record.
{ContactAnimalsList}Shows the patients of the contact record.
{ContactAnimalsAliveList}Shows the patients of the contact record.
Note: This variable does not show deceased patients.
{ContactTotalDiscountThisMonth}Shows the total discount quantity of the of the contact record for a period of one month.
{ContactTotalDiscountLast2Months}Shows the total discount quantity of the of the contact record for a period of two months.
{ContactTotalDiscountLast3Months}Shows the total discount quantity of the of the contact record for a period of three months.
{ContactTotalDiscountLast4Months}Shows the total discount quantity of the of the contact record for a period of four months.

Customer orders

{CustomerOrderNumber}Shows the number of the customer order.
{CustomerOrderDetails}Shows the code, name, and quantity of each product of the customer order.
{CustomerOrderShippingAddress}Shows the shipping address of the customer order.
Note: If you set the Ship To setting of the customer order to Pickup, the variable shows PICKUP.
{CustomerOrderStatus}Shows the status of the customer order. For example, the template variable could show Approved.
{CustomerOrderSubtotal}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the customer order.
{CustomerOrderSubtotalExcGst}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the customer order. The value does not include GST.
{CustomerOrderSubtotalIncGst}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the customer order. The value includes GST.
{CustomerOrderFreight}Shows the total dollar value of the freight of the customer order.
Note: This variable:
  • Does not show the dollar symbol
  • Does not show decimal numbers that have a total value of zero

For example, if the total dollar value of the freight is $10.00, the variable shows 10.

{CustomerOrderFreightExcGst}Shows the total dollar value of the freight of the customer order. The value does not include GST.
Note: This variable:
  • Does not show the dollar symbol
  • Does not show decimal numbers that have a total value of zero

For example, if the total dollar value of the freight is $10.00, the variable shows 10.

{CustomerOrderFreightIncGst}Shows the total dollar value of the freight of the customer order. The value includes GST.
Note: This variable:
  • Does not show the dollar symbol
  • Does not show decimal numbers that have a total value of zero

For example, if the total dollar value of the freight is $10.00, the variable shows 10.

{CustomerOrderTotal}Shows the total dollar value of the customer order.


{BalanceAtDate}Debtor balance at date
{EndDate}Debtor balance end date
{StartDate}Debtor balance start date
{ThisMonthName}Name of this month (for debtor balance)
{ThisMonthBalance}Debtor balance this month $ value
{Minus1MonthName}Name of last month (for debtor balance)
{Minus1MonthBalance}Debtor balance last month $ value
{Minus1MonthDiscountAmount}Debtor discount quantity last month $ value
{Minus2MonthName}Name of the month 2 months ago (for debtor balance)
{Minus2MonthBalance}Debtor balance 2 months ago $ value
{Minus2MonthDiscountAmount}Debtor discount quantity 2 months ago $ value
{Minus3MonthName}Name of the month 3 months ago (for debtor balance)
{Minus3MonthBalance}Debtor balance 3 months ago $ value
{Minus3MonthDiscountAmount}Debtor discount quantity 3 months ago $ value
{Minus3PlusMonthName}Name of month 3+ months ago (for debtor balance)
{Minus3PlusMonthBalance}Debtor balance 3+ months ago ($ value)
{Minus4MonthName}Name of month 4 months ago (for debtor balance)
{Minus4MonthBalance}Debtor balance 4 months ago $ value
{Minus4MonthDiscountAmount}Debtor discount quantity 4 months ago $ value
{OverdueBalance}Debtor balance (overdue quantity)
{PeriodBalance}Debtor balance (final minus overdue)/td>
{HasOverdueBalance}Prints 'true' if the client has an overdue balance
{FinalBalance}Debtor balance $ value


{DiagnosticVet}Shows the veterinarian of the diagnostic test request.
{DiagnosticReferenceNumber}Shows the reference number of the diagnostic test request.
{DiagnosticReference}Shows the reference code of the diagnostic test request.
{AnimalDiagnosticResults}Shows the diagnostic results and result items of a patient.
Note: This variable shows the information in plain text format.
{AnimalDiagnosticResultsHTML}Shows the diagnostic results and result items of a patient.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format.
{DiagnosticBarcode}Shows the reference code barcode of the diagnostic test request.
{DiagnosticBarcodeSrc}Shows the file path of the image of the reference code barcode of the diagnostic test request.
{DiagnosticDate}Shows the date of the diagnostic test request.
{DiagnosticTime}Shows the time of the diagnostic test request.
{DiagnosticTests}Shows all diagnostic tests of the diagnostic test request.
{DiagnosticSpecifics}Shows the specifics of the diagnostic test request.
{LabsEmail}Shows the special email address of the Emailed Labs integration.

Electronic signatures and electronic forms

{Signature}Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at full dimensions.
{SignatureLarge}Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at large dimensions.
{SignatureMedium}Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at moderate dimensions.
{SignatureSmall}Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at small dimensions.
{SignatureN}Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at full dimensions.
Note: A document template can have a maximum of three in-person electronic signatures:
  • To show the first available signature, replace N with 1
  • To show the second available signature, replace N with 2
  • To show the third available signature, replace N with 3
{SignatureLargeN}Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at large dimensions.
Note: A document template can have a maximum of three in-person electronic signatures:
  • To show the first available signature, replace N with 1
  • To show the second available signature, replace N with 2
  • To show the third available signature, replace N with 3
{SignatureMediumN}Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at medium dimensions.
Note: A document template can have a maximum of three in-person electronic signatures:
  • To show the first available signature, replace N with 1
  • To show the second available signature, replace N with 2
  • To show the third available signature, replace N with 3
{SignatureSmallN}Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at small dimensions.
Note: A document template can have a maximum of three in-person electronic signatures:
  • To show the first available signature, replace N with 1
  • To show the second available signature, replace N with 2
  • To show the third available signature, replace N with 3
#WEBFORM-TEXT#[<your form text>]Shows text that tells the client what to enter in the electronic form of a document.
Note: Replace <your form text> with the form text to show to the person. For example, if you enter #WEBFORM-TEXT#[When did {AnimalName} last eat?] in the document, ezyVet shows this output in the form:
  • When did RinTinCan last eat?
Note: You cannot use the #WEBFORM-TEXT#[<your form text>] template variable with ezyVet's remote signatures feature. You can use the template variable only with remote consent forms and the online portal.
#WEBFORM-SIGNATURE#Use with a template that is configured to have an in-person electronic signature from a client. This variable shows the completed signature of the applicable PDF document at full dimensions.
Note: ezyVet also has #WEBFORM-SIGNATURE#[small], #WEBFORM-SIGNATURE#[medium], and #WEBFORM-SIGNATURE#[large] template variables. But do not use them because they have no function.
#REMOTE-SIGNATURE-LINK#Shows the link to a document that has a box for a client's electronic signature.
Note: This variable is applicable to the remote signature feature.


{EstimateName}Shows the name of the estimate.
{EstimateContent}Shows the text content of the estimate.
{EstimateDate}Shows the date of the estimate.
{EstimateNumber}Shows the number of the estimate.
{EstimateComments}Shows all public comments of the Comments section of the estimate.
Note: This variable does not show private comments of the Comments section.
{EstimateTotalExcGst}Shows the total price of the estimate. The value does not include GST.
{EstimateTotalGst}Shows the total GST of the estimate.
{EstimateTotalIncGst}Shows the total dollar quantity of the estimate. The value includes GST.
{EstimateDeposit}Shows the deposit quantity of the estimate.
{EstimateNonProductCosts}Price of estimate services (non stocked products)
{EstimateNonProductCostsGst}Tax Component of estimate services (non stocked products)
{EstimateBlurb}Shows the contents of the Blurb box of the estimate.
{EstimateAcceptance}Shows the acceptance text of the estimate.
{EstimateFreight}Shows the total dollar quantity of the freight of the estimate.
{QuotationLowTotalExcGst}Shows the total dollar value of the low range of the estimate. The value does not include GST.
{QuotationHighTotalExcGst}Shows the total dollar value of the high range of the estimate. The value does not include GST.
{EstimateLowTotalExcGst}Shows the total dollar value of the low range of the estimate. The value does not include GST.
{EstimateHighTotalExcGst}Shows the total dollar value of the high range of the estimate. The value does not include GST.
{EstimateLowTotalIncGst}Shows the total dollar value of the low range of the estimate. The value includes GST.
{EstimateHighTotalIncGst}Shows the total dollar value of the high range of the estimate. The value includes GST.
{EstimateLowTotalGst}Shows the total GST of the low range of the estimate.
{EstimateHighTotalGst}Shows the total GST of the high range of the estimate.
{QuotationRangeTotalExcGst}Shows the total dollar value of the range of the estimate. The value does not include GST.
{QuotationRangeTotalIncGst}Shows the total dollar value of the range of the estimate. The value includes GST.
{QuotationRangeTotalGst}Shows the total GST of the range of the estimate.
{QuotationRangeTotalExcTax}Shows the total dollar value of the range of the estimate. The value does not include tax.
{QuotationRangeTotalIncTax}Shows the total dollar value of the range of the estimate. The value includes tax.
{QuotationRangeTotalTax}Shows the total tax of the range of the estimate.


{UserName}Shows the username of a person's ezyVet user account.
{UserEmailAddress}Shows the sign-in email address person's ezyVet user account.
{UserSendingEmailAddress}Shows the sending email address of a person's ezyVet user account.
{UserSignature}Shows the signature of a person's ezyVet user account.
{UserSignatureHtml}Shows the signature of a person's ezyVet user account.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format.
{UserSignatureImage}Shows the signature image of a person's ezyVet user account.
{UserSignatureImageSrc}Shows the file path of the signature image of a person's ezyVet user account.
Note: An example file path is https://callistovets.usw2.ezyvet.com/dbfile/110/signature.png
{UserRegistrationNumber}Shows the registration number of a person's ezyVet user account.
{UserDEARegistrationNumber}Shows the DEA registration number of a person's ezyVet user account.
{UserQualifications}Shows the qualifications of a person's ezyVet user account.
{VetUserName}Shows the username of the veterinarian when you print a document from a clinical record.
{VetUserEmailAddress}Shows the email address of the veterinarian when you print a document from a clinical record.
{VetUserSendingEmailAddress}Shows the sending email address of the veterinarian when you print a document from a clinical record.
{VetUserSignature}Shows the signature of the veterinarian when you print a document from a clinical record.
{VetUserSignatureImage}Shows the signature image of the veterinarian when you print a document from a clinical record.
{VetUserQualifications}Shows the qualifications of the veterinarian when you print a document from a clinical record.
{VetUserRegistrationNumber}Shows the registration number of the veterinarian when you print a document from a clinical record.
{VetUserDEARegistrationNumber}Shows the DEA registration number of the veterinarian when you print a document from a clinical record.
{TodaysDate}Shows the date when a person or ezyVet made the document from the template.
Note: This variable uses YYYY-MM-DD format to show the information.
{TodaysDateFull}Shows the full date when a person or ezyVet made the document from the template.
Note: This variable uses DD Month YYYY format to show the information. (For example, 20 June 2020.)
{CurrentTime}Shows the time when a person or ezyVet made the document from the template.
{CurrencySymbol}Shows the currency symbol used by the ezyVet site.
{TaxName}Shows the tax name used by the ezyVetsite.
{CurrentMonth}Shows the the month when a person or ezyVet made the document from the template.
{Date+<n>days}Shows the date that is a given number of day in the future.
Note: Replace <n> with the applicable number of days. For example, enter {Date+7days}.
{Date+<n>weeks}Shows the date that is a given number of weeks in the future.
Note: Replace <n> with the applicable number of weeks. For example, enter {Date+7weeks}.
{Date+<n>months}Shows a date that is a given number of months in the future.
Note: Replace <n> with the applicable number of months. For example, enter {Date+7months}.
{_DD}Shows the current day.
Note: This variable uses DD format to show the information.
{_MM}Shows the current month.
Note: This variable uses MM format to show the information.
{_YY}Shows the current year.
Note: This variable uses YYYY format to show the information.
{PAGENO}Shows the page number.
{nbpg}Shows the total number of pages.
Tip: To show a page count in your document, enter Page {PAGENO} of {nbpg} in your template.
{CheckBoxSmall}Shows a small checkbox.
Tip: You can use this variable for online forms.
{CheckBoxLarge}Shows a a large checkbox.
Tip: You can use this variable for online forms.


{InvoiceNumber}Shows the number of the invoice.
{InvoiceDate}Shows the date of the invoice.
{InvoiceDueDate}Shows the due date of the invoice.
{InvoiceStatus}Shows the status of the invoice.
{InvoiceFreight}Shows the total dollar value of the freight of the invoice.
{InvoiceSubTotal}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice.
{InvoiceSubtotalExcGst}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice. The value does not include GST.
{InvoiceSubtotalExcTax}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice. The value does not include tax.
{InvoiceSubtotalIncGst}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice. The value includes GST.
{InvoiceSubtotalIncTax}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the invoice. The value includes tax.
{InvoiceTotal}Shows the total dollar value of the invoice.
{InvoiceDue}Shows the total dollar value that is due of the invoice.
{InvoicePaid}Shows the total dollar value paid by a client for the invoice.
{InvoiceGst}Shows the total tax of the invoice.
{InvoiceTypeName}Shows the type of the invoice (for example, if the invoice is a credit note).
{InvoiceComment}Shows the content of the Comments box of the invoice.
{InvoiceComments}Shows all comments of the Comments section of the invoice.
Note: This variable shows all public comments and all private comments.
{InvoiceCommentsPublic}Shows only public comments of the Comments section of the invoice.
{InvoiceCommentsInternal}Shows only private comments of the Comments section of the invoice.
{InvoiceCustomerReference}Shows the reference number of the invoice.
{InvoiceOrderNumber}Shows the purchase order numbers of the invoice.
{InvoiceTaxBreakdown}Shows the dollar quantity of each tax rate of the invoice.
{InvoiceTax}Shows the total dollar quantity of the tax of the invoice..
{InvoiceTotalDiscountPercentage}Shows the total discount quantity of the invoice.
Note: This variable shows the information as a percentage.
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmount}Shows the total discount quantity of the invoice.
Note: This variable shows the information as a dollar value.
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmountIncGST}Shows the total discount quantity of the invoice. The value includes GST.
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmountIncTax}Shows the total discount quantity of the invoice. The value includes tax.
{InvoicePaymentMethod}Shows the payment method of the invoice.
{InvoiceSummary}Shows the summary of the invoice.
{BatchNumber}Shows the batch number of the invoiced product.
{BatchExpiry}Shows the batch expiry date of the invoiced product.
{Invoice<name-of-the-wellness-plan-without-spaces>PotentialSavings}Shows the possible savings for a patient that uses the specified wellness plan.
{Invoice<name-of-the-wellness-plan-without-spaces>PotentialSavingsHTML}Shows the possible savings for a patient that uses the specified wellness plan.
Note: This variables shows a table with each benefit and its possible savings.

Invoices for wellness plan memberships

{InvoiceSavingsByTypeHtml}Shows the savings of the wellness plan membership on the invoice.
Note: This template variable shows a maximum of five types of savings. The types of savings are:
  • User
  • Discount
  • Rounding
  • Credit
  • Surcharge
Note: If the invoice includes tax, the value of this variable also includes the tax.
{InvoiceSavingsByTypeIncTaxHtml}Shows the savings of the invoice of the wellness plan membership. The value includes tax.
{InvoiceSavingsByTypeExcTaxHtml}Shows the savings of the invoice of the wellness plan membership. The value does not include tax.
{InvoiceSavingsByWellnessPlanHtml}Shows the savings of each wellness plan membership on the invoice.
Note: This template variable is applicable if your site has many configured wellness plans.
Note: If the invoice includes tax, the value of this variable also includes the tax.
{InvoiceSavingsByWellnessPlanIncTaxHtml}Shows the savings of each wellness plan membership on the invoice. Each value includes tax.
Note: This template variable is applicable if your site has many configured wellness plans.
{InvoiceSavingsByWellnessPlanExcTaxHtml}Shows the savings of each wellness plan membership on the invoice. Each value does not include tax.
Note: This template variable is applicable if your site has many configured wellness plans.
{InvoiceSavingsByReasonHtml}Shows information about what caused the savings of the wellness plan membership. (For example, a discount or a price adjustment rule.)
Note: If the invoice includes tax, the value of this variable also includes the tax.
{InvoiceSavingsByReasonIncTaxHtml}Shows information about what caused the savings of the wellness plan membership. (For example, a discount or a price adjustment rule.) The value includes tax.
{InvoiceSavingsByReasonExcTaxHtml}Shows information about what caused the savings of the wellness plan membership. (For example, a discount or a price adjustment rule.) The value does not include tax.
{InvoiceSavingsTotalWellnessDiscount}Shows the total savings of the wellness plan membership on the invoice.
Note: If the invoice includes tax, the value of this variable also includes the tax.
{InvoiceSavingsTotalWellnessDiscountIncTax}Shows the total savings of the wellness plan membership on the invoice. The value includes tax.
{InvoiceSavingsTotalWellnessDiscountExcTax}Shows the total savings of the wellness plan membership on the invoice. The value does not include tax.


{PrescriptionNumber}Shows the number of the prescription.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{PrescriptionPrescriber}Shows the name of the person who prescribed the medication.
{PrescriptionDEARegistrationNumber}Shows the DEA registration number of the person who prescribed the medication.
{PrescriptionDate}Shows the date of the person who prescribed the medication. prescription.
{PrescriptionExternalMedicationsList}Shows the external medications of the prescription.
{MedicationQty}Shows the quantity of dispensed medications.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationName}Shows the name of the dispensed medication.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRemaining}Shows the remaining quantity of medication remaining to dispense.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationInstructions}Shows the instructions of the medication.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationPrescriber}Shows the name of the person who prescribed the medication.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationDate}Shows the invoice date of the medication.
Note: If the medication does not have a related invoice, {MedicationDate} shows the prescription date.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationLastDispenseDate}Shows the date of the most recent dispense of a medication.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationNumber}Shows the prescription number of the medication.
{MedicationRVMDirectionOfUse}Shows the instructions of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMLengthOfTreatmentCourse}Shows the treatment period of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMDoseToBeGiven}Shows the dose information of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMRouteOfAdministration}Shows the route of administration of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMFrequencyOfTreatments}Shows the treatment interval of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMNumberOfTreatments}Shows the number of treatments of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMWithholdingPeriodForMilk}Shows the milk withholding period of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMWithholdingPeriodForMeat}Shows the meat withholding period of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMMaximumDispenseQuantity}Shows the maximum dispense quantity of a restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMMaximumDispenseFrequencyDays}Shows the maximum dispense interval of restricted veterinary medicine.
Note: This variable uses days to show the interval.
Note: You only can use this template variable in a medication label template.
{MedicationRVMActiveIngredient}Shows the active ingredient of a restricted veterinary medicine.
{MedicationRVMEndDate}Shows the end date of the prescription of the restricted veterinary medicine.
{MedicationRVMRemainingQuantity}Shows the remaining quantity to dispense of a restricted veterinary medicine.
{MedicationExpiryDate}Shows the expiry date of the medication.

ezyVet uses the date format set in its system settings to format the output.

{MedicationDispenserInitials}Shows the initials of the person who dispensed the medication.
Note: If a person did not dispense the medication, {MedicationDispenserInitials} shows the initials of the person who prescribed it.
{ProductIdentifier}Shows the value of the Product Identifier box of a medication’s configuration.
{ProductScheduleClass}Shows the value of the Schedule/Class box of a medication’s configuration.

Medications of external dispense forms

{PharmacyContactCode}Shows the code of the pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactName}Shows the name of the pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactPhysicalAddress}Shows the physical address of the pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactPostalAddress}Shows the postal address of the pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactBusinessEmail}Shows the business email address of the pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactFaxNumber}Shows the fax number of the pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactPhoneNumber}Shows the phone number of the pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactMobileNumber}Shows the mobile phone number of the pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactNotes}Shows the notes of the pharmacy contact record.

Medication refills

{PrescriptionExternalMedicationsList}Shows all prescribed medications that have External Dispense selected.
{PrescriptionMedicationsList}Shows all prescribed medications.
{PrescriptionHistoricalMedicationsList}Shows all prescribed medications that have Historical selected.
{MedicationRefillsLeft}Shows the remaining number of times that you can refill the medication.
Note: You can use this template variable only with a label template.
{MedicationNextRefill}Shows the date of the next refill of the medication.
Note: You can use this template variable only with a label template.
{MedicationRefillExpiry}Shows when the medication refill is expired.
Note: You can use this template variable only with a label template.
{MedicationTotalRefillQtyLeft}The total remaining quantity of medication remaining that you can use to refill the medication.
Note: You can use this template variable only with a label template.
{ConsultCurrentMedicationsList}Shows each medication that has Current Medication selected.
Note: The variable shows:
  • The date and time of the prescription
  • The medication name
  • The medication quantity
  • The medication instructions
{ConsultCurrentMedicationsListBasic}Shows each medication that has Current Medication selected.
Note: The variable shows:
  • The medication name
  • The medication instructions
{AnimalCurrentMedicationsList}Shows each medication that has Current Medication selected.
Note: The variable shows:
  • The date and time of the prescription
  • The medication name
  • The medication quantity
  • The medication instructions
{AnimalCurrentMedicationsListBasic}Shows each medication that has Current Medication selected.
Note: The variable shows:
  • The medication name
  • The medication instructions

Online portal

{OnlineBookingUrl}Shows the address of the e-booking page of the online portal.
{OnlineBookingCalendarUrl}Shows the address of the e-booking calendar of the online portal.
{ClientAccessCodeName}Shows the client's sign-in email address for the online portal.
{ClientAccessCode}Shows the access code of the online portal.
{PasswordResetLink}Shows a link that the client can use to change their online portal password.
{AccountVerificationLink}Shows an account verification link for the online portal.


{AnimalName}Shows the name of the patient.
{AnimalCode}Shows the code of the patient.
{AnimalLast}Shows the last name of the patient.
{AnimalOwnerTable}Shows a summary of patient information and owner information in a table. The information includes:
  • The name of the owner
  • The address of the owner
  • The name of the patient
  • The species of the patient
  • The breed of the patient
  • The age of the patient
{AnimalNumber}Shows the value of the Code box of the patient record.
{AnimalPronoun}Shows the applicable pronoun of the patient. The possible values are:
  • he
  • she
  • they
Note: If the Sex value of the patient record is set to Unknown, the template variable shows they.
{AnimalPossessivePronoun}Shows the applicable possessive pronoun of the patient. The possible values are:
  • his
  • her
  • their
Note: If the Sex value of the patient record is set to Unknown, the template variable shows their.
Note: This variable shows the same output as {AnimalPossessivePronoun}. IDEXX customer support recommends that you use {AnimalPossessivePronoun}.
{AnimalPossessivePronounBelongsTo}Shows the applicable pronoun of the patient. The possible values are:
  • him
  • her
  • them
Note: If the Sex value of the patient record is set to Unknown, the template variable shows them.
{AnimalSex}Shows the sex of the patient. The possible values are:
  • Male
  • Female
{AnimalSexShort}Shows the sex of the patient. The possible values are:
  • M
  • F
  • MN
  • FS
{AnimalSexFull}Shows the sex of the patient. The possible values are:
  • Male
  • Male Neutered
  • Female
  • Female Spayed
{AnimalAgeShort}Shows the age of the patient.
Note: This variable uses short notation format to show the information. For example:
  • 12y 5m 23d
{AnimalAgeFull}Shows the age of the patient.
Note: This variable shows the full age of the patient in years, months, and days. For example:
  • 12 years 5 months 23 days
{AnimalAgeMonths}Shows the age of the patient in months.
{AnimalAgeYears}Shows the age of the patient in years.
{AnimalDOB}Shows the full date of birth of the patient.
Note: This variable uses dd-mm-yyyy format.
{AnimalDOBYear}Shows the birth year of the patient.
Note: This variable uses yyyy format to show the information.
{AnimalDOBMonth}Shows the birth month of the patient.
Note: This variable uses mm format to show the information.
{AnimalDOBDay}Shows the day of birth of the patient.
Note: This variable uses dd format to show the information.
{AnimalDOD}Shows the date of death of the patient.
{AnimalTOD}Shows the time of death of the patient.
{AnimalDateDesexed}Shows the desex date of the patient.
{AnimalSpecies}Shows the species of the patient.
{AnimalBreed}Shows the breed of the patient.
{AnimalColour} or {AnimalColor}Shows the color of the patient.
{AnimalWeight}Shows the weight of the patient.
Note: This variable uses the unit of measurement that is set in the patient record to show the information.
{AnimalWeightKg}Shows the kilogram weight of the patient.
{AnimalWeightLb}Shows the pound weight of the patient.
{AnimalBSA}Shows the body surface area of the patient.
Note: This variable uses the patient weight to calculate the body surface area.
{AnimalMicrochip}Shows the microchip number of the patient.
{AnimalRabiesNumber}Shows the rabies tag number of the patient.
Note: This variable is applicable to regions that have the rabies virus.
{AnimalLastVisit}Shows the date of the patient's most recent visit.
{AnimalAttendingVets}Shows the names of the vets that are related to the patient record.
{AnimalResidence}If the patient record has Residence selected, shows the physical address of the applicable contact record.
{AnimalImage}Shows the image of the patient.
{AnimalInsuranceCompanyName}Shows the name of the insurance supplier of the patient.
{AnimalInsuranceNumber}Shows the insurance number of the patient.
{AnimalCare}Shows the caution status of the patient.
{AnimalInterestedVetClinicContactsList}Shows the Other Interested Contacts records that are a Business contact record type of the patient.
{AnimalInterestedVetContactsList}Shows the Other Interested Contacts records that are a Vet contact record type of the patient.
{AnimalInterestedContactsList}Shows the Other Interested Contacts records of the patient.
{AnimalResuscitate}Shows the resuscitation status of the patient. The possible values are:
  • Resuscitate
  • Do Not Resuscitate
  • Advanced Life Support
  • Unspecified
{AnimalNotes}Shows the notes of the patient.
{AnimalCurrentMedicationsList}Shows the medications of the patient. The information includes:
  • Date and time
  • Medication name
  • Quantity
  • Medication instructions
{AnimalCurrentMedicationsListBasic}Shows the medications of the patient.. This template variable only shows:
  • Medication name
  • Medication instructions
{AnimalDemeanor}Shows the demeanor statuses of a patient.
Note: You can also use {AnimalDemeanour}, which has the same function as this variable.
{AnimalDemeanorList}Shows the demeanor statuses of a patient. This variable shows each status as a list item.
Note: You can also use {AnimalDemeanourList}, which has the same function as this variable.

Patient master problems

Template variableFunction
{AnimalMasterProblems}Shows the master problems of the patient.
{AnimalMasterProblemsHtml}Shows the master problems of the patient. This template variable puts each master problem on a different line and uses bold formatting.
{AnimalCriticalMasterProblems}Shows the name of each master problem of patient that is set to Critical.
{AnimalCriticalMasterProblemsHtml}Shows the name of each master problem of patient that is set to Critical. This template variable puts each master problem on a different line and uses bold formatting.

Patient health status

Variable Function
{AnimalVitalSigns}Shows the records in the Health Status tab of the patient.
{AnimalWGT}Shows the patient's most recent weight.
{AnimalTemp}Shows the patient's most recent temperature.
{AnimalBP}Shows the patient's most recent blood pressure.
{AnimalHR}Shows the patient's most recent heart rate.
{AnimalRR}Shows the patient's most recent respiratory rate.
{AnimalAttitude}Shows the patient's most recent attitude status.
{AnimalBCS}Shows the patient's most recent body condition score.
{AnimalPS}Shows the patient's most recent pain score.
{AnimalDS}Shows the patient's most recent dental score.
{AnimalCRT}Shows the patient's most recent capillary refill time.
{AnimalMM}Shows the patient's most recent mucous membrane.
{AnimalHealthNote}Shows the patient's most recent health status note.
{AnimalLeftOvarySize}Shows the patient's most recent left ovary size in mm.
{AnimalLeftOvaryStage}Shows the patient's most recent left ovary stage.
{AnimalRightOvarySize}Shows the patient's most recent right ovary size in mm.
{AnimalRightOvaryStage}Shows the patient's most recent right ovary stage.
{AnimalUterineTone}Shows the patient's most recent uterine tone.
{AnimalCervixTone}Shows the patient's most recent cervix tone.
{AnimalUterineEdema}Shows the patient's most recent uterine edema.
{AnimalUterineFluid}Shows the patient's most recent uterine fluid.
{AnimalUterineCyst}Shows the patient's most recent uterine cyst.
{AnimalUterineCytology}Shows the patient's most recent uterine cytology.
{AnimalCervixCytology}Shows the patient's most recent cervix cytology.
{AnimalPregnant}Shows the patient's most recent pregnancy status.
{AnimalPulseQuality}Shows the patient's most recent pulse quality.
{AnimalRespiratoryEffort}Shows the patient's most recent respiratory effort.


{PaymentNumber}Shows the number of the payment.
{PaymentDate}Shows the date of the payment.
{PaymentAmount}Shows the quantity paid of the payment.
{PaymentAmountRounded}Shows the rounded quantity paid of the payment.
{PaymentAmountTendered}Shows the cash quantity paid of the payment.
{PaymentChange}Shows the cash change of the payment.
{PaymentRounding}Shows the rounding value of the payment.
{PaymentMethod}Shows the payment method of the payment.
{PaymentOutstandingBalance}Shows the client's outstanding balance of the payment.
{PaymentDetails}Shows the content of the Details box of the payment.
{PaymentComment}Shows the comments of the payment.


{ProductName}Shows the name of the product.
{ProductDescription}Shows the description of the product.
{ProductWarning}Shows the warning message of the product.
{ProductCostExcGst}Shows the cost of the product. The value does not include GST.
{ProductPriceExcGst}Shows the sell price of the product. The value does not include GST.
{ProductCostIncGst}Shows the cost of the product. The value includes GST.
{ProductPriceIncGst}Shows the sell price of the product. The value includes GST.
{ProductRrp}Shows the recommended retail price of the product.
{ProductInstructions}Shows the instructions of the product.
{ProductBarCodeImg}Shows the barcode of the product.
{ProductBarCodeImgSrc}Shows the file path of the image of the product barcode.

Purchase orders

{PurchaseOrderNumber}Shows the number of the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderDate}Shows the date of the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderPrintDate}Shows the date that a person printed the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderStatus}Shows the status of the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderFreightMethod}Shows the freight method of the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderFreight}Shows the freight cost of the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderSubTotal}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderSubtotalExcGst}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the purchase order. The value does not include GST.
{PurchaseOrderSubtotalIncGst}Shows the subtotal dollar value of the purchase order. The value includes GST.
{PurchaseOrderGst}Shows the total GST of the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderTotal}Shows the total dollar value of the purchase order.
{PurchaseOrderComments}Shows the comments of the purchase order.

Received inventory orders

{ReceiveStockStatus}Shows the status of the received inventory order.
{ReceiveStockTotal}Shows the total dollar value of the received inventory order.
{ReceiveStockComments}Shows the comments of the received inventory order.

Referring veterinarian

Variable nameFunction
{AnimalReferringVet}Shows the name of the referring veterinarian.
Note: This variable uses a format of Last name, First name to show the information.
{AnimalReferringVetFirstName}Shows the first name of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetLastName}Shows the last name of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetTitle}Shows the preferred title of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhoneNumber}Shows the first phone number of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetBusinessEmail}Shows the business email address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetFaxNumber}Shows the fax number of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the physical address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressCity}Shows the city of the physical address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the physical address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressState}Shows the state of the physical address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the postal address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the physical address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the postal address of the referring veterinarian.
{AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the physical address of the referring veterinarian.

Referring veterinary clinic

Note: The referring veterinary clinic has the name Referring Clinic in the ezyVet user interface.
Variable nameFunction
{AnimalReferringVetClinicName}Shows the name of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicAddress}Shows the full address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicBusinessEmail}Shows the business email address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicFaxNumber}Shows the fax number of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressLine1}Shows the first line of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressLine2}Shows the second line of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressSuburb}Shows the suburb of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressCity}Shows the city of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressCity}Shows the city of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressRegion}Shows the region of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressState}Shows the state of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressState}Shows the state of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressCountry} Shows the country of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressCountry}Shows the country of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the postal address of the referring veterinary clinic.
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressPostCode}Shows the postcode of the physical address of the referring veterinary clinic.

Remote payments

{PaymentRemoteLink}Shows the address of the PayJunction page that a client uses to make a remote payment.

Supplier contacts

Note: A supplier contact is an ezyVet contact record that uses the Supplier contact record type:
The Supplier contact record type
Variable nameFunction
{ContactNumber}Shows the code of the supplier.
{SupplierContactAccountCode}Shows the account code of the supplier account.
{SupplierContactAccountCodeBarcode}Shows the account code of the supplier account.
Note: This variable shows the information as a barcode.
{SupplierContactAccountCodeBarcodeSrc}Shows the file path of the image of the barcode of the supplier account.
{SupplierContactAccountUsername}Shows the username of the supplier account.
{SupplierContactAccountPassword}Shows the account password of the supplier account.
{SupplierContactAccountPaymentTerms}Shows the payment terms of the supplier account.


{VaccinationDate}Shows the date of the vaccination.
{VaccinationName}Shows the name of the vaccination.
{VaccinationBoosterDate}Shows the due date of the vaccination.
{VaccinationNotes}Shows the notes of the vaccination.

Care services

Variable nameFunction
{ReminderDue}Shows the due date of the care service reminder.
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextDay}Shows the care service reminders that are due in the next day.
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextWeek}Shows the care service reminders that are due in the next week.
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextMonth}Shows the care service reminders that are due in the next month.
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextYear}Shows the care service reminders that are due in the next year.
{AnimalSOCSummary}Shows the summary of the standard of care information of the patient.
{AnimalSOCInFuture}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the future.
{AnimalSOCDueInNextDay}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next day.
{AnimalSOCDueInNextWeek}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next week.
{AnimalSOCDueInNextMonth}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next month.
{AnimalSOCDueInNextYear}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next year.
{AnimalSOCDueInFuture}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the future.
{AnimalSOCDueTable}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due in the next 30 days.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format.
{AnimalSOCOverdue}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue.
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastDay}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue in the day before today.
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastWeek}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue in the week before this week.
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastMonth}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue in the month before this month.
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastYear}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue in the year before this year.
{AnimalSOCOverDueTable}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are overdue.
Note: This variable shows the information in a table format.
{EventDateTimeListHtml}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format and includes the date and time.
{EventDateListHtml}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due.
Note: This variable shows the information in HTML format and includes the date only.
{EventDateTimeListPlainText}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due.
Note: This variable shows the information in plain text format and includes the date only.
{EventDateListPlainText}Shows standard-of-care treatments and vaccinations that are due.
Note: This variable shows the information in plain text format and includes the date only.
{AnimalLastVaccinationName}Shows the product name of the patient's most recent vaccination.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsList}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListDetails}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient. The information includes the name of the veterinarian who gave each vaccination and their registration number.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListMonth}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient this month.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListMonthDetails}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient this month. The information includes the name of the veterinarian who gave each vaccination and their registration number.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListWeek}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient this week.
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListWeekDetails}Shows all vaccinations that staff gave to the patient this week. The information includes the name of the veterinarian who gave each vaccination and their registration number.
{AnimalLastVaccinationDate}Shows the date of the most recent vaccination of the patient.
{AnimalNextVaccinationDate}Shows the date of the next vaccination of the patient.
{AnimalNextVaccinationName}Shows the product name of the next vaccination of the patient.
{AnimalNextVaccinationsList}Shows a list of vaccinations that are due. The list includes:
  • The vaccination name
  • The date and time of each due vaccination
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextDay}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the next day.
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextWeek}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the next week.
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextMonth}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the next month.
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextYear}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the next year.
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInFuture}Shows the vaccinations that are due in the future.
{AnimalVaccinationsOverdue}Shows the vaccinations that are overdue.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextDay}Shows the treatments that are due in the next day.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextWeek}Shows the treatments that are due in the next week.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextMonth}Shows the treatments that are due in the next month.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextYear}Shows the treatments that are due in the next year.
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInFuture}Shows the treatments that are due in the future.
{AnimalTreatmentsOverdue}Shows the treatments that are overdue.

One care service

To get the name of the care service to use with the template variables that follow:
  1. Go to the configuration settings of the applicable care service
  2. Read the name that the Name box shows
  3. Compare the name of (2) with the equivalent name that the Replacement Name box shows
  4. Use the name that the Replacement Name box shows as the name to use with the template variables
For example:
  1. The Name box of a care service's settings shows Canine Influenza
  2. The Replacement Name box shows CanineInfluenza
  3. CanineInfluenza is the care service name to use with the template variables
Figure 1. Example: Name box and Replacement Name box

Example: Name box and Replacement Name box
Variable nameFunction
{AnimalNext<care-service-name><care-service-type>Date}Shows the due date of the next care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalNextRabiesVaccineDate}.

{AnimalNext<care-service-name><care-service-type>Name}Shows the name of the next care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalNextRabiesVaccineName}

{AnimalNext<care-service-name><care-service-type>GroupName}Shows the name of the next care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalNextRabiesVaccineGroupName}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>Date} Shows the date of the most recent care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineDate}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>Name} Shows the name of the most recent care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineName}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>Batch} Shows the batch number of the most recent care service for the patient
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineBatch}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>BatchExpiry} Shows the batch expiry period of the most recent care service for the patient
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineBatchExpiry}

{AnimalLast<care-service-name><care-service-type>GroupName}Shows the name of the most recent care service for the patient.
Note: To use the template variable to show correct information:
  1. Replace <care-service-name> with the name of the applicable care service
  2. Replace <care-service-type> with Vaccine or Treatment to identify the care service type

For example, if the care service name is Rabies and the care service type is Vaccine, enter {AnimalLastRabiesVaccineGroupName}

Wellness plan contracts