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Template variables: Products

{ProductName}Shows the name of the product.
{ProductDescription}Shows the description of the product.
{ProductWarning}Shows the warning message of the product.
{ProductCostExcGst}Shows the cost of the product. The value does not include GST.
{ProductPriceExcGst}Shows the sell price of the product. The value does not include GST.
{ProductCostIncGst}Shows the cost of the product. The value includes GST.
{ProductPriceIncGst}Shows the sell price of the product. The value includes GST.
{ProductRrp}Shows the recommended retail price of the product.
{ProductInstructions}Shows the instructions of the product.
{ProductBarCodeImg}Shows the barcode of the product.
{ProductBarCodeImgSrc}Shows the file path of the image of the product barcode.