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ezyVet Knowledge Center

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Get access to your tickets

After you make a Freshdesk account, you can sign in to Freshdesk and get access to your tickets.

Make sure that you have a Freshdesk account.
To get access to your tickets, do this procedure.
Note: You can usually get access only to the Freshdesk tickets that you make. That is, you cannot get access to the tickets of a different person of your organization. But if necessary, IDEXX customer support can give access to all tickets of an organization to all persons of the organization. For more information, speak to IDEXX customer support.
  1. Go to support.ezyvet.com.
  2. Select LOGIN.
    The Freshdesk LOGIN button
    Your web browser shows the LOGIN screen:
    Boxes for the email address and password of your Freshdesk account
  3. Enter the email address and password of your Freshdesk account, then select LOGIN.
    The CHECK TICKET STATUS button of Freshdesk
Freshdesk shows your tickets:
An example of one Freshdesk ticket