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ezyVet Knowledge Center

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Feature request statuses

Each feature request has a feature request status. The feature request status gives you important information about the feature request (for example, if ezyVet will build the feature).

This table gives each feature request status and its function:
Pending ReviewezyVet will examine the feature request and make a decision about if the feature is necessary.
Requires Client InformationThe person who made the feature request must send more information about it to ezyVet.
Open for VotingPersons can add votes to the feature request.
Idea AcceptedezyVet approved the feature request. They will build the feature but the work is not started.
In Queue for PlanningezyVet prepared an approved feature request for build work to start.
BuildingThe build of the feature is in progress.
ReleasedezyVet completed the build of the feature. Customer sites have the feature.
DeclinedezyVet made a decision that the feature is not necessary. They will not build the feature.
Note: Only IDEXX customer support can change the status of a feature request.