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Monitor changes of a feature request

ezyVet can automatically send you a message after a person changes the information of a feature request (for example, if a person changes the feature request status).

Make sure that your user account has the necessary permissions.
To monitor the changes, do this procedure.
  1. Select Help.
    The Help tab
  2. Select Feature Requests.
    The Feature Requests setting
    ezyVet shows the Feature Request Dashboard screen.
    Trouble: If ezyVet does not show the Feature Requests command, you do not have the necessary user account permissions. Speak to your practice manager.
  3. Find and select the applicable feature request.
    ezyVet shows full information about the feature request.
  4. Select WATCH.
    The WATCH button
ezyVet sends you a message after a person changes the information of a feature request.