Release notes: ezyVet version 41.6
Read about changes in ezyVet version 41.6.
If you use Microsoft Excel format for reports, the report output does not show the ezyVet logo.
E-booking system: When clients sign in to the e-booking system for the first time, ezyVet automatically enables subscription reminders.
User account records: Changed the name of the Override Billing Location to User Location setting to Apply user's inventory location for automated billing.
- Added Lloyds as an available insurance company
- Removed CoverMyPet as an available insurance company
- Increased the dialog box width
- Increased the width of the Billing Trigger Product box
- Increased the width of the Comments box
- If you set History systems to ON, the width of the Comments box automatically changes
- Increased the width of the Insert from previous history box
- Removed the icon of the Add and Go To Physical Exam button
- Changed Add and Go To Physical exam to Add and go to Physical Exam
- Increased the dialog box width
- Increased the width of the Billing Trigger Product box
- Increased the width of the Comments box
- If you set Body systems to ON, the dimensions of the Comments box automatically changes
- Increased the width of the Insert from previous Physical Exam box
- Removed the icon of the Add and Go To Assessments button
- Changed Add and Go To Assessments to Add and go to Assessments
The Health Status for dialog box to shows the correct pain score scale.
Vello: Corrected a problem that caused your browser to open Vello in the same tab if you select the Vello Text Thread Complete button.
- A clinical record has more than one unallocated diagnostic test results
- A staff member allocates one of the diagnostic requests
- ezyVet automatically allocates the related diagnostic requests to the applicable clinical record
- You select Go to Combined View
- Your ezyVet site has a department configuration
You make a template product that has copies of products from a different department
- The product pricing of the products from the different department is disabled
Printed clinical summaries show page numbers correctly.
Payment integrations: Corrected a problem that caused the Refund/Void button of a payment record to not operate correctly if the name of a contact record has a special character.
Gribbles Diagnostic (SDI) integration: Corrected a problem that caused ezyPrint to not print diagnostic forms.
- You make a patient record and use the Weight box and Units setting to enter the patient weight
- You use the Units setting to select a different unit of measurement for the patient weight
Security fixes for the Emailed Labs integration.