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Vet Radar record icons

Vet Radar shows many types of icons in its user interface. It is important that you know about the information that the icons identify.

Anesthesia status icons

Vet Radar uses icons in the anesthesia sheet to show when a person entered a value in the sheet. This table shows the anesthesia sheet icons:
Icon Abbreviation Information that the icon identifies
The mean arterial pressure icon MAP The mean arterial pressure.
The systolic arterial pressure icon SAP The systolic arterial pressure.
The intermittent positive pressure ventilation icon IPPV The intermittent positive-pressure ventilation.
The diastolic arterial pressure icon DAP The diastolic arterial pressure.
The oxygen saturation icon SP02 The oxygen saturation.
The temperature icon Temp The temperature.
The end-tidal CO2 icon EtcO2 The end-tidal CO2.
The doppler icon Doppler Doppler.
The respitory rate icon RR The respiratory rate.
The heart rate icon HR The heart rate.

Treatment task icons

Vet Radar uses icons in the treatment sheets to show when a person entered a value in a treatment task. This table shows the treatment task icons:
Icon Information that the icon identifies
The scheduled treatment task icon The treatment task is scheduled to occur.
The completed treatment task icon A person completed the treatment task.
The completed treatment task with invoice data icon A person completed the treatment task. The treatment task has invoice data that Vet Radar syncs to ezyVet.
The completed treatment task with notes icon A person completed the treatment task. The treatment task has notes.
The completed treatment task with notes and invoice data icon A person completed the treatment task. The treatment task has notes and invoice data that Vet Radar syncs to ezyVet.
The due treatment task icon The treatment task is scheduled to occur at this time.
The missed treatment task icon The treatment task was not completed at the scheduled time.
The ignored treatment task icon A person ignored this treatment task.
The treatment task in progress icon The treatment task is in progress.
The treatment task in progress with notes icon The treatment task is in progress. The treatment task has notes.
The treatment task in progress with notes and invoice data icon The treatment task is in progress. The treatment task has notes and invoice data that Vet Radar syncs to ezyVet.

Treatment task status icons

This table shows the icons that the treatment task pane uses to show information about the status of a treatment task:
Icon Information that the icon identifies
The Pending status icon The treatment task is scheduled to occur.
The Due status icon The treatment task is scheduled to occur at this time.
The Started status icon The treatment task is in progress.
The Done status icon A person completed the treatment task.
The Skipped status icon A person ignored the treatment task.
The Missed status icon The treatment task was not completed at the scheduled time.

Patient cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) icons

This table shows the icons that the patient card uses to show the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) status:
Icon Information that the icon identifies
The do not resuscitate icon You must not resuscitate the patient.
The resuscitation icon You must resuscitate the patient.
The resuscitation with advanced life support icon You must resuscitate the patient with advanced life support.

Patient attitude status icons

This table shows the icons that the patient card uses to show the patient's attitude status:
Icons Information that the icon identifies
The CAUTION icon Staff must be careful of the patient.
The FRIENDLY icon The patient is friendly.
The UNFRIENDLY icon The patient is unfriendly.
The UNKNOWN icon The patient's attitude is unknown.

Treatment icons

This table shows the icons that the patient sheet uses to show information about a treatment:
Icon Information that the icon identifies
The important instructions flag icons A person enabled Mark instructions as important.

Intravenous (IV) infusion task icons

This table shows the icons that the patient sheet uses to show information about an IV infusion treatment:
Icon Information that the icon identifies
A scheduled IV infusion task icon The IV infusion task is scheduled to occur.
A completed IV infusion task icon A person completed the IV infusion task.
A scheduled rate change icon The rate change is scheduled to occur.
A completed scheduled rate change icon A person completed the fluid rate change.