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Medication safe ranges

A practice manager can use ezyVet to configure the safe range of a medication product. ezyVet automatically syncs the safe range of the medication to Vet Radar. When you add the medication to a patient sheet, Vet Radar shows the safe range.

Figure 1. The safe range message

The safe range message
If the practice manager configured the concentration quantity and the dose rate quantity in ezyVet, Vet Radar automatically calculates the medication's other dosage information. As a result, Vet Radar automatically enters a value in the Dose rate* box. If you enter a value in the Dose rate* box that is not in the medication's safe range, Vet Radar shows a warning message:
The warning message
If you select the Add to Sheet button when the value in the Dose rate* box is not in the medication's safe range, Vet Radar shows a pop-up window. The pop-up window tells you that the value in the Dose rate* box is not in the products safe range:
The The value of the default dose rate is not in the safe range pop-up window