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Copies of staff members' email addresses

When ezyVet syncs a user account of a staff member to Vet Radar, ezyVet also syncs the staff member's email address. The staff member uses the email address to sign in to Vet Radar. To sign in to Vet Radar, each staff member must have a different email address that can send and receive emails. If staff members do not have different email addresses, they could have sign-in problems.

To prevent sign-in problems, Vet Radar automatically puts VR1- before the staff member's email address:
Example of an email address with the VR-1 prefix

If ezyVet syncs a user account with the same email address again Vet Radar automatically puts VR2- before the staff member's email address.

When a practice manager configures a user account to sign in, they must change the staff member's email address to a different email address. Then, the practice manager must enable the Allow login setting of the Edit User screen:The Allow Login setting