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Set a patient's resuscitation status (whiteboard method)

The resuscitation status tells other staff if they must resuscitate a patient. You can set a resuscitation status from the patient whiteboard.

To set a status, do this procedure.
  1. Go to the patient whiteboard.
  2. Select the applicable patient card.
    Vet Radar shows the patient sheets.
  3. In the patient information area, select the patient card.
    the patient card of the patient information pane
    Vet Radar shows the Patient details pane.
  4. Select CPR status.
    Vet Radar shows the available resuscitation statuses.
  5. Select the applicable resuscitation status.
    The resuscitation statuses
    Vet Radar shows a confirmation message:
    The Patient CPR status updated confirmation message
The patient has the status. The patient card shows an icon that identifies the status:
The resuscitation status icon