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Discharge a patient in Vet Radar

After you complete a patient's treatment, you can discharge them.

To discharge a patient, do this procedure.
Note: If you do this procedure, Vet Radar automatically completes all of the patient's patient sheets.
  1. Go to the patient whiteboard.
  2. Select the applicable patient card.
    Vet Radar shows the patient sheets.
  3. Select the menu button.
    The menu button
    Vet Radar shows the menu pane.
  4. Select Discharge patient.
    The Discharge patient command
    Vet Radar shows the Discharge Patient pop-up window.
  5. Enter applicable notes in the Discharge Notes box.
  6. Select Discharge.
    The Discharge button
Vet Radar discharges the patient. Vet Radar removes the patient from the patient whiteboard. Vet Radar saves an attachment of the patient's treatment sheet as a PDF document in the patient's clinical record.

Example of a patient sheet attachment in ezyVet