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Sign in to a different organization's Vet Radar site

If you have access to more than one organization that uses Vet Radar, you can sign in to each organization's Vet Radar site. For example, if you are a practice manager for many organizations, you can sign in to each site.

Make sure that a practice manager configured your Vet Radar user account for sign-in.
To sign in, do this procedure.
  1. Select the user account button.
    The user account button
  2. Select Switch User/Lock Vet Radar.
    The Switch User/Lock Vet Radar button
    Vet Radar shows the Signed in as screen.
  3. Select Set a new PIN.
    The Set a new PIN button
    Vet Radar:
    1. Signs your user account out of your organization's Vet Radar site
    2. Shows the Sign in to your account screen
  4. In the Email * box and Password * box, enter your email address and password.
  5. Select Sign In.
    The Sign In button
    Vet Radar shows the Set up PIN screen:
    The Set up PIN screen
  6. Enter four numbers.
    Note: If you do not want to set a PIN, select Skip.
  7. Select Confirm PIN.
    The Confirm PIN button
    Vet Radar shows the Organization pane.
  8. Select the applicable organization.
    The applicable organization command
You are signed in. Vet Radar shows the Patient whiteboard screen.