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Make an estimate (sales template method)

To show a client the possible cost of work, you can make an estimate. An estimate helps you to make sure that a client accepts the possible cost before you start the work. To make it easier to add items to an estimate, you can use a sales template.

Make sure that ezyVet has an applicable sales template with the items that you want.
To make an estimate, do this procedure.
  1. Select Clinical.
    The Clinical tab
    The left sidebar shows clinical records of your ezyVet site.
  2. In the left sidebar, find and select the applicable clinical record.
    ezyVet shows settings and information of the clinical record.
  3. Select New Estimate.
    The New Estimate button
    ezyVet shows the New Estimate screen.
  4. In the EstimateName box, enter a name for the estimate.
    The EstimateName box
  5. Select Add Sales Template.
    The Add Sales Template button
    ezyVet shows an Add Sales Template dialog box.
  6. In the Template box, select the applicable sales template.
    The Template box
  7. Select Add Template.
    The Add Template button
  8. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

ezyVet has an estimate record. The line items of the estimate use the items from the source sales template.