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ezyVet Knowledge Center

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Get a support session

To get a support session, you can use ezyVet directly.

Make sure that you prepare this information:
  • Make sure that you have a phone number that IDEXX customer support can use to speak to you during the call
  • Make sure that you have the address of the applicable ezyVet site
  • Make sure that you prepare information that is applicable to the support session type
    Note: For example, prepare a list of questions for the 15 Minute Q&A type of support session.
Note: Support sessions use remote access. IDEXX customer support uses ISL Light Client for remote access. IDEXX customer support can help you to configure ISL Light Client on your device. If necessary, you can also install ISL Light Client before the support session. For more information, refer to the HELP tab documentation that shows you how to install ISL Light Client.
Do this procedure to get a support session.
  1. Sign in to ezyVet.
  2. Select Help.
    The Help tab
  3. Select Book Scheduled Support Session.
    The Book Scheduled Support Session setting
    Your browser opens a new tab that shows the available support session types:
    The available support session types
  4. Select the applicable support session type and complete the remaining necessary steps.
    Note: During the remaining steps, make sure that you select the correct time zone for the call.