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Install the FileZilla file transfer app (Microsoft Windows)

Before you can use FileZilla to send files to ezyVet staff, you must install it.

  • Make sure that you have the necessary user account permissions to install apps on your device
  • If necessary, speak to your IT staff
Note: This procedure shows FileZilla version 3.49.1 as an example. When you do this procedure, select and use the newest version if applicable.
Before your site go-live, it is necessary for IDEXX customer support to do a data check of your existing practice information management system (PIMS). For IDEXX customer support to correctly do the data check, you must install the FileZilla app. IDEXX customer support uses FileZilla to remotely send a backup of your PIMS data to ezyVet's systems.
  1. Sign in to a Microsoft Windows device that has access to your existing practice information management system.
  2. Go to https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1.
  3. Select and download the applicable 64 bit installer.
    Select the correct FileZilla installer version.
  4. Open the installer.
    The FileZilla installer shows an initial license agreement.
  5. Select I Agree.
    The FileZilla license agreement.
  6. Continue the remaining screens of the FileZilla installer.
    Note: Use the default settings shows on the installer screens. But if necessary, speak to your IT staff.
    At the end of the installer screens, FileZilla starts the installation:
    The FileZilla installer starts the installation.
  7. At the end of the installation, select Finish.
    The end of the FileZilla installation.
    FileZilla shows the initial welcome screen:
    The initial FileZilla welcome screen.
You device is prepared for ezyVet staff to do a data check.