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Use FileZilla to send files to ezyVet staff

After you install FileZilla, you can use it to send files.

  • Install FileZilla on your device
  • If necessary, speak to your IT staff
Note: Speak to IDEXX customer support to get the correct FileZilla installation guide.
To send data files from your practice management information system (PIMS) to ezyVet staff, do this procedure.
  1. Open FileZilla.
  2. In the Host box, enter sftp.ezyvet.com
    The Host box
  3. In the Username box, enter the username that an ezyVet staff member has given you.
    The Username box
  4. In the Password box, enter the password that an ezyVet staff member has given you.
    The Password box
    Important: Do not let unapproved persons access the username and password.
  5. In the Port box, enter 22
    The Port box
  6. Select Quickconnect.
    Select Quickconnect.
    If FileZilla shows the Remember Passwords? dialog box, select the applicable setting, then select OK:
    The Remember Passwords? dialog box
    If FileZilla shows an Unknown host key dialog box, do a check of the settings, then select OK:
    The Unknown host key dialog box
    FileZilla connects to ezyVet’s file transfer system. If the connection is correct, FileZilla shows content in the Remote site panes:
    FileZilla shows a correct connection condition.
  7. Select the applicable file and drag it into the lower Remote site pane.
    Select the applicable file to send.
    FileZilla sends the file. If the file transfer is correct, FileZilla shows a File transfer successful message:
    A File transfer successful message.
  8. If necessary, do step 7 again to send more files.
ezyVet staff can get access to the files that you sent and examine them.