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Show a list of new clients

Data about new clients can help your organization keep accurate data for reporting.

  • Make sure that your user account has the necessary permissions
  • Make sure that your device has a spreadsheet app installed (for example, Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc)
To show a list of the new clients of your ezyVet site, do this procedure.
Note: You can use the method given in Find client contact records made in a date range as an alternative to this method.
  1. Select Reporting.
    The Reporting tab
    ezyVet shows the reports that are available for you to use.
  2. Select Contacts.
    The Contacts report
    ezyVet shows the report settings.
  3. In the Format section, select Excel or CSV.
    The Format section
  4. Select Exclude Inactive Contacts.
    The Exclude Inactive Contacts setting
  5. In the Only show contacts that have been invoiced since box, enter the initial date that your organization invoiced the clients.
    The Exclude Inactive Contacts setting
  6. Select Print.
    The Print button
    ezyVet downloads the report to your device.
  7. Use your spreadsheet app to open the report.
    The date that each client contact record was made is in the Contact Created At column:
    The Contact Created At column
You have a list of new clients. If necessary, use the tools of your spreadsheet app to filter and sort the date data of the Contact Created At column.