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Cancel an appointment

If an appointment is not necessary, you can cancel it.

To cancel an appointment, do this procedure.
  1. Select Dashboard.
    The Dashboard tab
  2. Select Calendar.
    The Calendar tab
    ezyVet shows the calendar.
  3. Find the appointment that you want to cancel.
  4. Open a shortcut menu for the appointment, then select Cancel/Delete.
    The Cancel/Delete command
    ezyVet shows a Reason To Disable/Cancel dialog box.
    Note: It is possible that ezyVet does not show a Reason To Disable/Cancel dialog box but does show a Are you sure you want to cancel this appointment? message. If ezyVet shows the message, select Yes to cancel the appointment. If ezyVet shows the dialog box, continue to the next step.
  5. In the Reason to Cancel box, select why it is necessary to cancel the appointment.
    Note: As an alternative, select Or Enter a Reason and enter the applicable information.
  6. Select Continue.
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message.
The appointment is canceled.