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A client invoice does not show the correct invoice information

Do this troubleshooting if a client invoice does not show the correct invoice information (for example, a product does not show on a client invoice).
Note: If the troubleshooting does not correct the problem, speak to IDEXX customer support.

The product does not have the correct setting in ezyVet

Set the Is Sold setting to Yes

A practice manager or a person with the necessary administrator permissions must do these steps.

  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Products.
    The Products setting in the settings list
  3. Find and select the applicable product.
    ezyVet shows the product settings.
  4. In the Properties section, set the Is Sold setting to Yes.
    The Is Sold setting
  5. Select Save.
    The Save button

The product does not have the correct setting in Vet Radar

Enable the Send future billing to EzyVet setting in Vet Radar

A practice manager or a person with the necessary administrator permissions must do these steps.

  1. Select Patients.
    The Patients button
    Vet Radar shows the patient whiteboard.
  2. Select the applicable patient card.
    Vet Radar shows the patient sheets.
  3. Use the arrows of the patient sheet control to select the applicable patient sheet.
    The patient sheet control
  4. Select the applicable treatment.
    Example of a treatment
    Vet Radar shows the applicable treatment pane.
  5. Select Edit.
    The Edit button
    Vet Radar shows the Edit pane of the applicable treatment.
  6. In the Billing section, enable Send future billing to EzyVet.
    The Send future billing to EzyVet setting