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ezyVet SSO and kiosk devices

A kiosk device is one device that many persons use. It is important to know the primary function of ezyVet single sign-on and how it is related to kiosk devices.

SSO is for a person to use one domain account for sign-in to many apps. Thus, if a person uses SSO to sign in to one app, all other apps in the same browser session also automatically sign in.

SSO with a kiosk device makes it possible for a person to:
  1. Incorrectly sign in to ezyVet with a different person's user account
  2. Get access that is not approved for a different person's work
Thus, if an ezyVet site uses SSO and your organization also uses kiosk devices, use an alternative system for the kiosk devices. For example, some companies have passwordless authentication systems that you can buy and use. Examples of passwordless authentication systems include tap-and-go devices and security cards. Persons use the tap-and-go devices and security cards with Microsoft Windows for sign-in and sign out. If persons use a passwordless system with a kiosk device, they can quickly and easily:
  • Sign in to Windows with their domain account to start their ezyVet work
  • Sign out of Windows at the end of their ezyVet work
One other alternative system for kiosk devices is the profiles feature of Google Chrome. If a practice manager configures Chrome profiles for Chrome that is installed in a kiosk device, each person who uses the device:
  • Can use Chrome to sign in to ezyVet with their domain account
  • Can change from a different signed-in account and sign in to ezyVet with their domain account
Note: For more information about Chrome profiles, refer to support.google.com/chrome/answer/2364824.
Other alternative methods that you can use with kiosk devices that have Microsoft Windows:
  • Persons can sign out of the kiosk device at the end of their ezyVet work
  • Persons can lock the kiosk device at the end of their ezyVet work and other staff can use the Windows switch user feature
    Note: For more information about the Windows switch user feature, refer to User account access in Windows (Windows documentation).