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A planning guide does not correctly fill the applicable calendar space


When you make and save a planning guide, it usually fills the applicable space in the calendar:
A planning guide that fills the correct space in the calendar
But it is possible that a new planning guide does not fill the applicable space:
A planning guide that does not fill the correct space in the calendar

The calendar has a small planning guide that is adjacent to the planning guide that you made

Remove the small planning guide

  1. Find the date and time in the calendar that has the problem.
  2. Zoom in your web browser.
    Tip: To zoom in, you can select Ctrl + Plus sign (+).
  3. Continue to zoom in carefully until you can see the small planning guide.
    The small planning guide
  4. Carefully hover over the small planning guide and right-click it.
  5. Select Cancel/Delete.
    The Cancel/Delete button