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Invoice products to many clients at the same time

To invoice products to many clients at the same time, use the Records dashboard. As a result, it is not necessary to invoice each client each time.

Make sure that your user account has the necessary permissions.
To invoice products to many clients, do this procedure.
  1. Select Dashboard.
    The Dashboard tab
  2. Select Records.
    The Records tab
    ezyVet shows the Records screen.
  3. Set Record Type to Contact.
    The Contact record type
  4. If necessary, set applicable filters that ezyVet uses to show the records.
    The filters section of the Records dashboard tab
  5. Select Show Records.
    The Show Records button
  6. Select the applicable records.
  7. In the Perform Action section, select All or Selected.
    The All and Selected buttons
    Note: To invoice all records of the search results, select All. To invoice only the records that you select, select Selected.
  8. In the Action list, select Contact - Mass Bill.
    The Contact - Mass Bill setting
  9. Select Action.
    The Action button
    ezyVet shows the Mass Bill dialog box.
  10. In the Date of New Invoice box, enter the date and time of the invoices that ezyVet will make.
    The Date of New Invoice box
  11. To control if the invoices that ezyVet makes are unapproved, set Approve Invoices to NO.
    The Approve Invoices setting
  12. In the Product/s to invoice box, select the applicable product.
    The Product/s to invoice box
  13. If necessary, enter the product quantity in the box that is adjacent to the Product/s to invoice box.
  14. To add one more product, select the green plus button, then select the applicable product.
    The green plus button
  15. Select Confirm.
    The Confirm button
    ezyVet shows a Confirm Mass Bill dialog box. The dialog box has information about the invoices that ezyVet will make:
    The Confirm Mass Bill dialog box
  16. Select Confirm.
    The Confirm button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:
    A confirmation message
ezyVet makes the invoices.