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Twig template variables: Estimate

NameClassic template system equivalent?Function
{{ quotation.Animal.DateOfBirth }}{AnimalDOB}Shows the full date of birth of the patient.
{{ quotation.Animal.Name }}{AnimalName}Shows the name of the patient.
{{ quotation.Animal.Number }}{AnimalNumber}Shows the value of the Code box of the patient record.
{{ quotation.Animal.Sex }}{AnimalSex}Shows the sex of the patient. The possible values are:
  • Male
  • Female
{{ quotation.BlurbHtml }}{EstimateBlurb}Shows the contents of the Blurb box of the estimate.
{{ quotation.ClientContact.Name }}{ContactName}Shows the name of the client.
Note: If the contact type is set to Business, the variable shows the name of the business. If the contact type is set to Individual, the variable shows the name of the person.
{{ quotation.ClientContact.PostalAddress.AddressText }}{ContactPostalAddress}Shows the postal address of the client.
{{ quotation.Date }}{EstimateDate}Shows the date of the estimate.
{{ quotation.Deposit }}{EstimateDeposit}Shows the deposit quantity of the estimate.
{{ quotation.Name }}{EstimateName}Shows the name of the estimate.
{{ quotation.Number }}{EstimateNumber}Shows the number of the estimate.
{{ quotation.Tax }}{EstimateLowTotalGst}Shows the total GST of the low range of the estimate.
Note: To show a value that is easy to read, use this variable with the moneyformat Twig filter.
{{ quotation.HighTotalExcTax }}{EstimateHighTotalExcGst}Shows the total dollar value of the high range of the estimate. The value does not include GST.
Note: To show a value that is easy to read, use this variable with the moneyformat Twig filter.
{{ quotation.HighTotalIncTax }}{EstimateHighTotalIncGst}Shows the total dollar value of the high range of the estimate.
Note: To show a value that is easy to read, use this variable with the moneyformat Twig filter.
{{ quotation.TotalExcTax }}{EstimateTotalExcGst}Shows the total price of the estimate. The value does not include GST.
{{ quotation.TotalIncTax }}{EstimateTotalIncGst}Shows the total dollar quantity of the estimate. The value includes GST.