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Do an inventory count (CSV template method)

To do an inventory count with ezyVet, you can use the output of the Inventory Take report and a CSV template that you upload to ezyVet. When you do the upload, the CSV template tells ezyVet to make the necessary inventory adjustments. As a result, ezyVet's inventory records agree with the quantity of in-inventory products that your organization has.

The inventory count procedure has four primary steps that you do in sequence:
  1. Use the Inventory Take report to get inventory information
  2. Count and record your inventory levels
  3. Put necessary information in a dedicated CSV template for upload to ezyVet
  4. Upload the completed CSV template to ezyVet

1. Use the Inventory Take report to get inventory information

To find the Inventory Take report, use the Reporting primary tab. If you want to show all in-inventory products that ezyVet has, do not make a selection in the Product Group box of the report settings.

Use the Print button to save the report output. For the report output format, use Microsoft Excel or CSV.

Note: If you cannot see the Inventory Take report, your user account does not have the applicable report permissions. Speak to your practice manager.

2. Count and record your inventory levels

Use Microsoft Excel to open the output file of the Inventory Take report.

The report output has three columns that are necessary for the inventory count. Information about each column and the task to do is as follows:

Column nameTask
In InventoryThe In Inventory column shows the recorded number of the product that ezyVet has. Use the In Inventory value when you calculate the change value.
ActualUse the Actual column to enter the number that your organization has in inventory for the related product.
ChangeUse the Change column to calculate the change value for each product. To calculate the value for each product, subtract the value shown in the Actual cell from the value shown in the In Inventory cell.
Tip: To calculate the change value, you can use an Excel formula.

Example: Row 13 of a spreadsheet has a burnisher product. The In Inventory cell of row 13 is in column E and has a value of 5. The Actual cell of row 13 is in column F and has a value of 10. To get the change value, enter =F13-E13, then select Enter. As a result, the Change cell of row 13 shows a value of 5.

For more information about Excel formulas, refer to Overview of formulas in Excel (Microsoft documentation)

When you complete the necessary data entry for the output file of the Inventory Take report, save your changes.

3. Put necessary information in a CSV template for upload to ezyVet

ezyVet has a CSV template that you use to upload the inventory count information to ezyVet.

To get the CSV template:
  1. Select Financial
  2. Select Inventory Adjustment
  3. Select the Inventory Adjustments tab
  4. Select Get CSV Template
Figure 1. The New Inventory Adjustment screen and Get CSV Template button

The New Inventory Adjustment screen and Get CSV Template button
Note: The CSV template has the file name stockAdjustmentUploadTemplate.csv.
Afte you get the CSV template, do these steps:
  1. Copy the content of the Code column from the Inventory Take report and put it in the Product Code column of the CSV template.
  2. Copy the content of the Change column from the Inventory Take report and put it in the Quantity column of the CSV file.
  3. If your organization uses departments, use the Division cells of the CSV template to enter the applicable departments for the inventory count.
  4. In the Location cells of the CSV template, enter the applicable inventory locations for the inventory count.
  5. In the CSV template:
    1. Open a shortcut menu in the Date column of the CSV template and select Format cells
    2. In the Number tab of the dialog box that Excel shows,, select Text, then select OK
    3. In all cells of the Date column, enter the date that you did the inventory count
      Note: Make sure that the dates that you enter use the date format of your ezyVet site. And make sure that all cells have the same date.
      Figure 2. ezyVet system setting for date format

      ezyVet system setting for date format
  6. Save the changes that you made to the CSV template.
Tip: This is an example of a completed CSV template that you can download: stockAdjustmentUploadTemplate-CompletedExample.csv

4. Upload the completed CSV template to ezyVet

To upload the completed CSV template:
  1. Select Financial
  2. Select Inventory Adjustment
  3. Select the Inventory Adjustments tab
  4. Select Import Inventory Adjustments


After you complete the full inventory count procedure, ezyVet makes an inventory adjustment record that has the changes. If the result of the full procedure is not correct, you can disable the inventory adjustment record and do the procedure again. As an alternative or if you have other problems, speak to IDEXX customer support.