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Available methods to cancel a wellness plan membership

ezyVet has three available methods that you can use to cancel a client's wellness plan membership. ezyVet shows each method in the Cancel Membership dialog box.

The image and table that follows shows each available method and information about it:
Cancellation methods of a wellness plan in the Cancel Membership dialog box
Cancellation methodInformation
Method 1The client pays the dollar quantity that they saved from the membership minus the membership fees.
Tip: This is a good method for a client who has recently started a wellness plan.
Method 2The client pays the remaining time of their wellness plan membership.
Note: The time of the wellness plan is the value that a practice manager entered in Term Length box of the wellness plan configuration.
Tip: This is a good method for a client who is almost at the end of their membership.
Method 3A staff member manually enters a dollar value for the client's cancellation fee. The value overrides all other cancellation fee quantities.