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Buttons of a wellness plan membership record

Each record of a wellness plan membership shows a set of buttons. Use the buttons to make changes to the wellness plan membership (for example, renew or cancel it).

Figure 1. Buttons of a wellness plan membership record

Buttons of a wellness plan membership record
This table gives information about each button:
Table 1. Buttons of a wellness plan membership record
The button to renew the wellness plan membershipRenew the wellness plan membership.
The button to cancel and change the wellness plan membershipCancel the wellness plan membership and change to a different wellness plan membership.
The button to cancel the wellness plan membershipCancel the wellness plan membership.
The button to pause the wellness plan membershipPause the wellness plan membership.
The button to lock the benefit consumption of the wellness plan membershipLock the benefit consumption of the wellness plan membership.
The button to make an applicable document of the wellness plan membershipMake a document that is applicable to the wellness plan membership.
The button to make an applicable document of the wellness plan membershipDisable the wellness plan membership.
Note: You can disable a wellness plan membership only if:
  • It does not have a related approved invoice
  • It does not have consumed benefits
  • It does not have changes to its status
If you cannot disable the wellness plan membership, the disable button shows dimmed:
The button to make an applicable document of the wellness plan membership