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Send statements to your clients

You can use ezyVet to send client statements to your clients directly. ezyVet uses email to send the client statements. Each email includes a PDF document of the statement.

Note: Clients can only receive an client statement if their contact record has an email contact method with For Sending Financial Records selected.

If the client contact record has more than one email address, each email address must also have a name in each Name box of the contact method.

Do this procedure to send client statements.
  1. Select the Statements report.
  2. In the Dates boxes, enter the applicable date range.
  3. Make the other applicable settings of the report as necessary.
  4. Select Show List.
    ezyVet shows the clients who have unpaid balances. The information includes each client’s:
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Balance
    • Most recent statement and the date that ezyVet it
    • Payment terms
  5. For each client, select View PDF and do a check of the information that each PDF document has.
    Note: This step makes sure that the information is correct before you send the statements.
  6. Select the clients to send a statement to.
    Note: To select many clients at the same time, use the Toggle settings in the Send Statements section This table gives each setting and its function:
    Setting Function
    AllSelects all clients.
    EmailedSelects all clients that have an email address.
  7. In the Template box of the Email Settings section, select the applicable email template.
  8. Select EMAIL/POST.
ezyVet prepares the email messages to automatically send to your clients.
If necessary, change the financial lockdown period to prevent changes to the applicable financial records.