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Make a recurring invoice

To regularly invoice a client for the same products again and again, you can make a recurring invoice.

Make sure that your user account has the necessary permissions.
To make a recurring invoice, do this procedure.
Note: This procedure gives only the minimum information that is necessary to make a recurring invoice.
  1. Select Financial.
    The Financial tab
  2. Select Recurring Invoices.
    The Recurring Invoices setting
    ezyVet shows the New Recurring Invoice screen.
  3. In the Recurring Invoice Name box, enter an applicable name.
    The Recurring Invoice Name box
  4. In the Client box, select the applicable client.
    The Client box
  5. In the Start Date box, select the initial date that ezyVet will show payment reminders for the recurring invoice.
    The Start Date box
  6. In the Invoice Frequency box, select the interval that ezyVet will show payment reminders for the recurring invoice.
    The Invoice Frequency box
  7. Add the applicable products to the line items of the recurring invoice.
    An example product in a line item of the recurring invoice
    Tip: To add one more line item, select the green plus button:
    The green plus button
  8. Select LOCK.
    The LOCK button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:
    A confirmation message
ezyVet has a recurring invoice.