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About recurring invoices

If it is necessary to regularly invoice a client for the same products again and again, you can make a recurring invoice. A recurring invoice has a set of products and related information that you initially configure. When it is time to invoice the client, you can quickly make the applicable invoice.

Tip: A good example of when to use a recurring invoice is invoicing for a monthly subscription service of your organization.
Note: ezyVet:
  • Cannot automatically make recurring invoices
  • Cannot not automatically approve and send recurring invoices

How ezyVet shows recurring invoices

The A tab of the left sidebar shows recurring invoices:
Recurring invoices list in the left sidebar
Each recurring invoice that the left sidebar shows can automatically have a green color or a red color. This table gives the function of each color:
GreenThe next invoice is due in ten days. Make and approve the invoice in the ten day period.
RedThe next invoice is overdue. You must immediately make and approve the invoice.