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Google Chrome does not automatically open ezyVet PDF documents

After you select a PDF document in ezyVet, Chrome can automatically open and show the PDF document in a window. As a result, it is not necessary, to find the downloaded file and open it. If Chrome does not automatically open the PDF document, do this troubleshooting.

Microsoft Windows and Chrome have an incorrect configuration

If Windows and Chrome have an incorrect configuration, Chrome will always download a PDF document to your device after you select the document in ezyVet.

Make the necessary settings

  1. In Windows' settings, set Chrome as the app that opens PDF documents.
    Windows' settings
    Note: For more information, refer to Change default programs in Windows.
  2. In Chrome's settings for PDF documents, select Open PDFs in Chrome.
    The Open PDFs in Chrome setting
  3. In ezyVet, find and select a PDF document.
    Chrome downloads the PDF document to your device. Chrome shows the downloaded document at the bottom of its window.
  4. At the bottom of Chrome's window, select the arrow that is adjacent to the downloaded PDF document.
    The arrow that is adjacent to the downloaded PDF document.
  5. Select Always open with system viewer.
    The Always open with system viewer command