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Send an SMS message for an appointment confirmation (shortcut menu method)

After you make an appointment, you can send an appointment confirmation message to the client. The message is an SMS message that the client can send a confirmation reply to.

  • Make sure that your ezyVet site has a configured SMS module
  • Make sure that your site has the necessary SMS template
  • Make the necessary appointment
To send an SMS message, do this procedure.
  1. Select Dashboard.
    The Dashboard tab
  2. Select Calendar.
    The Calendar tab
    ezyVet shows the calendar.
  3. Find the applicable appointment in the calendar.
  4. Open a shortcut menu for the appointment, then select Communication > Send Confirmation > SMS.
    The SMS command
    ezyVet shows a New Communication dialog box.
    Trouble: If the SMS command shows dimmed and you cannot select it:
    1. Make sure that the contact record of the appointment has a mobile number
    2. Make sure that the contact record of the appointment does not have the For General Communication checkbox cleared for the mobile number
  5. In the SMS Template box, select the applicable SMS template.
    The SMS Template box
  6. If necessary, do a check of the remaining settings.
  7. Select Send.
    The Send button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:
    A confirmation message
ezyVet sends the SMS message to the client. When the client receives the message, they can enter C to if they want to do the appointment:
An SMS message
After the client enters C as their reply, ezyVet sends you a memo. The memo tells you that the client will do the appointment:
A memo of a received SMS message
And the calendar appointment shows the icon for the Confirmed appointment status:
The icon for the Confirmed appointment status