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About billing triggers

A billing trigger is an ezyVet feature that automatically makes an invoice and adds the necessary products to it during an applicable task.

Because a billing trigger automatically makes the invoice during a task:
  • It is not necessary to make an invoice directly and manually add products to it
  • Invoices automatically have products and related information that are applicable to the task
  • Invoicing has less manual work
The table that follows gives examples of tasks that have a related billing trigger. The alternative for each task is to manually make the invoice and add the necessary products. Thus, it is much easier to use the billing trigger to automatically make the invoice.
Example taskResult of a billing trigger
Make an appointmentThe invoice automatically has costs of the appointment (for example, the cost of a 15-minute consultation).
Make a diagnostic test requestThe invoice automatically has the costs of the diagnostic test.
Do a clinical procedureThe invoice automatically has the costs of the clinical procedure. The clinical procedure costs can include the products that were necessary and the veterinary staff time.
Note: If necessary, you can make an invoice directly and add products to it. But to make invoicing easy and accurate, use the billing triggers in the applicable parts of ezyVet.
Note: If necessary, you can change the products and related information of an invoice made from a billing trigger.

You can also use more than one billing trigger to make one invoice. The invoice has the result of billing triggers that ezyVet uses during each step of an applicable task.

A practice manager configures the appointment type for consultations to use a billing trigger. The billing trigger automatically calculates the cost of the consultation. The practice manager also:
  • Configures the appointment type to have a mandatory clinical record
  • Configures the clinical procedures to have billing triggers that give the applicable products and times of the procedures
Then, a receptionist uses the ezyVet calendar to make a consultation for a patient. When they make the consultation, ezyVet:
  1. Uses the billing trigger of the consultation appointment type to automatically calculate the consultation cost
  2. Automatically makes a related clinical record

Then, a veterinarian opens the clinical record and adds a clinical procedure. When they add the clinical procedure, ezyVet uses the billing trigger of the procedure to automatically add the procedure’s products to the invoice.

When the veterinarian opens the invoice, it shows the correct costs of the consultation and procedure. It was not necessary for the receptionist and veterinarian to manually make the invoice and add products to it.
Figure 1. Completed invoice example

Completed invoice example