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Sign in to ezyVet Scan for the first time

After you sign in to ezyVet Scan for the first time, ezyVet Scan syncs data from ezyVet. Examples of synced data include product records and barcode information.

  • Make sure that you installed ezyVet Scan
  • Make sure that you know the username and password of your ezyVet user account
To sign in, do this procedure.
  1. Select the ezyVet Scan app icon.
    The ezyVet Scan app icon
    ezyVet Scan shows a Sign in screen.
  2. In the SITE URL box, enter your ezyVet site prefix.
    If your ezyVet site address is callistovets.apse2.ezyvet.com, your site prefix is callistovets.apse2
    The SITE URL box
  3. Select Next.
    The Next button
  4. Enter your the username and password of your ezyVet user account.
  5. Select Sign in.
    The Sign in button
    ezyVet Scan shows a Please select a 4-digit security PIN screen.
  6. Enter a PIN.
    ezyVet Scan shows a Fetching Site Data screen while it syncs data from ezyVet:
    A Fetching Site Data screen
When the sync is completed, ezyVet Scan signs you in and shows the home screen: