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Data sync between ezyVet and ezyVet Scan

ezyVet Scan syncs different types of data to ezyVet. The synced data includes inventory transfers, inventory counts, and product barcodes.

Note: ezyVet Scan must have an internet connection to sync data with ezyVet. If your device does not have an internet connection, ezyVet Scan shows No Internet Connection:
A No Internet Connection message

Data sync of inventory transfers

The general steps for inventory transfers with ezyVet Scan are:
  1. Do a new inventory transfer or complete an in-progress inventory transfer.
  2. Add products and product quantities to the inventory transfer.
  3. Select Submit.

ezyVet Scan only syncs an inventory transfer to ezyVet Scan after you select Submit in step 3. After ezyVet Scan syncs the inventory transfer, ezyVet shows the inventory transfer record in its inventory transfer screens.

Data sync of inventory counts

The general steps to for inventory counts with ezyVet Scan are:
  1. Do a new inventory count or complete an in-progress inventory count.
  2. Add products and product quantities to the inventory count.
  3. Select Submit.

ezyVet Scan continuously syncs inventory counts to ezyVet Scan. For example, when you start an inventory count with ezyVet Scan, ezyVet shows the inventory count in its inventory count screens. And when you use ezyVet Scan to add products and product quantities to the inventory count, ezyVet shows the changes immediately because of the continuous sync from ezyVet Scan. Thus, for inventory counts it is not necessary for you to select Submit in step 3 to sync an inventory count to ezyVet Scan.

Data sync of products

ezyVet syncs product records to ezyVet Scan. As a result, products that show in ezyVet Scan screens are synced from product records in ezyVet.

Note: You cannot use ezyVet Scan to make product records. If you want to use a new product for inventory work with ezyVet Scan, a practice manager must make the necessary product record in ezyVet. And the ezyVet product record must have the necessary configuration to operate with ezyVet Scan.

Data sync of product barcodes

If a product record in ezyVet does not have a barcode configured, you can use ezyVet Scan to scan a physical product that has the correct barcode. As a result, ezyVet Scan syncs the barcode to an applicable product record in ezyVet.

If a barcode for a product record is not necessary, you can use ezyVet Scan to disable the product barcode. As a result, ezyVet Scan syncs the change to the related product record in ezyVet.

Note: A practice manager can find an applicable product record in ezyVet and enable a disabled barcode again. If they use ezyVet to enable the barcode:
  1. ezyVet syncs the change to ezyVet Scan
  2. The product in ezyVet Scan shows the barcode

Data sync of general information

You can add general information to an in-progress inventory transfer. The information could tell other staff important information about the inventory transfer (for example, why it is necessary). To add general information, use the notes button that shows in the inventory input screen:
The notes button
If you use the notes button to add to information to an inventory transfer, ezyVet Scan syncs the information to the related inventory transfer record in ezyVet. The Comments box of the inventory transfer record in ezyVet shows the synced information:
The Comments box of an inventory transfer record in ezyVet
Note: To add general information to an inventory count, use the notes button that shows in the inventory input screen for inventory counts. But ezyVet Scan does not sync the information to inventory count records in ezyVet. ezyVet Scan only syncs the general information of in-progress inventory transfers to ezyVet.