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Find patients that have due or overdue standard-of-care items

Use the Records dashboard to quickly and easily find patients that have due or overdue standard-of-care items. For example, you can find all patients that have an overdue vaccination. And you can also do an export of a list of patients (for example, to print a list).

To find the applicable patients, do this procedure.
  1. Select Dashboard.
    The Dashboard tab
  2. Select Records.
    The Records tab
    ezyVet shows the Records screen.
  3. Set Record Type to Patient.
    The Patient record type
  4. In the All section, select the green plus button to add a filter.
    The All section
  5. Set the filter to S.O.C. Due.
    The S.O.C. Due filter
  6. In the Due Date box, enter an applicable date.
    The Due Date box and mathematical comparison setting
    Tip: To help find the applicable records, use the mathematical comparison setting that is adjacent to the Due Date box.
  7. Select Show Records.
    The Show Records button
  8. In the Perform Action section, select All or Selected.
    The All and Selected buttons
    Note: To do an export of all records of the search results, select All. To do an export of only the records that you select, select Selected.
  9. In the Action list, select Export - Patients.
    The Export - Patients setting
  10. Select Action.
    The Action button
    ezyVet shows an Output Animals dialog box.
  11. Select the applicable output format.
  12. Select Queue Report.
    The Queue Report button
Your browser downloads a document with a list of applicable patient records to your device.