Find products that are not recently invoicedTo find products that are not recently invoiced, do this procedure.Select Dashboard.Select Records.ezyVet shows the Records screen.Set Record Type to Product.In the All section, select the green plus button to add a filter.Set the filter to Product Qty Invoiced In The Last *.Select the applicable period that ezyVet will use to find the records.Enter the quantity of products invoiced in the applicable period ezyVet will use to find the records. Tip: Use the mathematical comparison setting that is adjacent to the quantity box to help find the applicable records. Select Show Records.ezyVet shows the applicable products:Parent topic: Find invoiced products and related product informationRelated tasksFind invoices that have a specified product (Records dashboard method)Find invoices that are related to a product (product configuration method)Find the most-invoiced productsFind which clients bought a product (Records dashboard method)Find which clients bought a product (report method)